Published Dec 1, 2004
208 Posts
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Can this pop up be gotten rid of!! :angryfire
Its as annoying as hell and Ive already registered-
575 Posts
Enable your cookies.
I believe they are...
This just started happening to night w/no change to my PC by me..
It wont even let me sign in grrrrrrrr-
31 Posts
My cookies are enabled and I visit the forums here frequently. I don't like to be logged in unless I am posting a message and then I log right back out. I don't know why, I just don't like to be logged in on websites all the time, LOL.
Anyway, that little box is very annoying because when I am not logged in, every time I change forums or click on a message the box pops back up and stays there a few seconds.
The only way around that box I found is to stay logged in while reading the forums.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,420 Posts
I never get that pop up. But I can't tell you how to get rid of it. It's probably more the settings in your computer than something the website is responsible for.
Don't sweat the small stuff. :chair:
Marie_LPN, RN, LPN, RN
12,126 Posts
I stay signed in all the time, i don't get that pop-up window.
(Of course, a pop-up-blocker would kill that window if it ever decided to pop up)
TiffyRN, BSN, PhD
2,315 Posts
Since no one else has suggested it I will. We have a pop-up blocker that works pretty well, but I don't usually need it because I use an alternative browser.
Mozilla Firefox allows me to navigate this website more quickly than Microsoft Internet Explorer. I use it most of the time. Sometimes I can't get something on a website to work then I will use Microsoft's IE. Firefox has some limitations but generally speeds my browsing. I'm not a rep or anything, just enjoy using it.
I had the same problem with pop-up and like you it seemed to just appear all of a sudden. I don't know why it went away either. . .
294 Posts
I just posted a thread in the "About the Forum" (or something like that) section.
The window must be new- I haven't changed my settings. My computer allows "for this session only" cookies and has for months- I just started getting this window.
I have a popup stopper and TWO firewalls and haven't touched the settings since long before the window started showing up.
I would also like it to go away- it has to be the most annoying popup I've ever seen- it moves around your screen so you can't scroll around it, you can't close it, and it shows up again whenever you change threads- unless you sign in.
615 Posts
I'm getting it too, very annoying.
z's playa
2,056 Posts
Yeaah! I was wondering about that.
Happened on all 4 computers today all over campus and at home.
It was feeking me out. :)
meownsmile, BSN, RN
2,532 Posts
I got that box too, i logged back in and havent gotten it again.
317 Posts
I have Norton internet protection with: ad blocking, personal firewall, anti-spam, virus protection and parental control. I never get pop-ups, spam etc. I probably paid too much for it. I might have been able to get all that stuff free... but, hey I'm happy with it.