Annoyed by what I saw in the dining room...vent


About a week ago, I was waiting in line on my dinner break, and in front of me was a nursing instructor, a handful of nursing students, and a physician. The instructor shooed the physician ahead of her, saying 'You go ahead, Dr. XYZ.' :mad: For some reason, that annoyed me more than anything has lately around the hospital. I mean, really!?! - why is his time more important than anyone else's? Was she showing respect to a doctor, making a point (???) to her students, deferring to him without reason... I really don't know why, but it's still bothering me, and I thought I'd share. Of course, he went ahead, signed his slip for his free meal (:eek:) and went on... thanks for listening to my vent!

Not worth the "venting!" Life's way too short! Move on!

Specializes in LTC.

Definately....who knows... he may get paged and not even get to eat his dinner.

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.
Definately....who knows... he may get paged and not even get to eat his dinner.

And then she could steal it from him! I bet it was all part of her master plan.

Doctors are "god". It is an inevitability and a reality. They cannot be sued (especially here in Wisconsin). They are compensated for every minute they spend with a patient. If nurses were billed for every "procedure" instead of added into the room costs with dietary and housekeeping, we'd be the number one revenue earner for hospitals. Then we too would get free meals and bumped to the front of the line. As a nurse when we are near a doctor, we are as close to a deity as is physically possible... or is it a white collar criminal? I can never remember.

A little harsh much, aren't you? How can you make an assumption that because she let the doctor go before you, that means he/she is better than you? They were waiting, they didn't ask to step in front, your instructor offered. They didn't cut in front of you. You need to lose the judgmental attitude towards doctors because you are going to have to work with them. They are a part of your team.

I have no problem letting a doctor or nurse go before me. I work in a large hospital and I am not clinical staff. I can spare the 30 seconds if that means they get to have 1 more bite of food that can help them make it through their really long day. I work in a Level 1 Trauma Center, you never know what is going to come in.

Also, if I am waiting to clock in or out/ and a nurse is waiting, I always let them go before me. Hey, they've had a longer day than me, why not? I know when people are waiting 6+ hours and all beds are full, I feel stressed and super tired, I can only imagine how they feel. I don't mind letting them clock out before me so that they can get on home.

Be courteous to your healthcare team. Don't make assumptions and judgments. You will live a much happier life that way.

Specializes in CCU,ICU,ER retired.

Party of 10-15 vs. party of one? When I did clinicals we worked 7am to noon. Had lunch then post clinicals feedback back at school and our lunch was usually and hour and a half to 2 hours. I had way more time than an employee or Doctor who have rounds and then back to the office to see patients or have procedures. I would have done the same thing the instructor had done Sorry.

Nothing more could be said that hasn't already. Courtesy pays- be courteous to all.

Doctors are "god". It is an inevitability and a reality. They cannot be sued (especially here in Wisconsin). They are compensated for every minute they spend with a patient. If nurses were billed for every "procedure" instead of added into the room costs with dietary and housekeeping, we'd be the number one revenue earner for hospitals. Then we too would get free meals and bumped to the front of the line. As a nurse when we are near a doctor, we are as close to a deity as is physically possible... or is it a white collar criminal? I can never remember.

Of course doctors can be sued, even in Wisconsin. Where did you come up with that?!

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.
They cannot be sued .

Where did you hear that?

I'm sure all the doctors out there are going to be REALLY annoyed when they learn this! Think of all the thousands of dollars they've been throwing away on !

Gee, can't we all do an act of kindness? Worry about other things, life is too short.

Unless you know the instructor personally you have no idea why she did it. Maybe she had been working with him and knew he had a rough day and needed to grab something quickly before heading back up. Maybe she's worked with him for years and knows he's a great, hard working doctor and just wanted to make a friendly gesture. Maybe she wanted to kiss a**. Maybe she just likes him (as a colleague). Maybe they've known each other for 40 years. Maybe he cared for her or her loved one once and since then she's really appreciated the good care he provided. When I had clinicals our instructors didn't bend over backwards for someone just because they were a doctor, but they certainly were very friendly with many of the doctors we came into contact with because they had a long history with them. I'd just let it go because it really doesn't affect you no matter what her reasoning was. Believe me, our instructors did not hold back if they thought a doctor was being rude or something.

Specializes in CEN, CPEN, RN-BC.
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