advice on what to do or say to a friend from church


Hello all. Well, i went to a baby shower today and i sat next to this nice sister/friend. I was asking her for some advice regarding financial aid since she works in the nursing building at the school i want to go. She gave me some good advice for the financial aid, but as soon as she mentioned the nursing program, she told me not everyone stays in it since its so difficult. Then she advice me to think about it before enrolling since 'you have a family, and you wont have enough time to study, think about it because if your not ready, your putting youraelf into failure'. I told her i had heard it was hard but i was still in doubt if going for an lvn or an adn first. She suggeated for me to enter the lvn program because it wasnt that hard, And again she just told me to think about it and that it was my decision. I really like this lady but i feel like she is trying to say iam not a good element for nursing. What can i say to her that wont sound rude. She is a lady on her late fortues and iam 22 year old. I dont want to sound like mean and dusrespectful, but i wouldnt like for her to keep on making those comments.

Thank you all. Sorry its a little long.

You are in your early 20's. Do what you can right now while you know everything and have the world figured out. Because after your early 20's, you won't know everything and the world will look like a giant mystery.

She said it was hard, and to think about it. She didn't say you are not a "good element for nursing".

Take her advice, and don't say anything to her except, "Thanks for the advice, particularly on the financial aid."

You don't have to say anything further to her. You opened the door for her to comment on your decision (by asking her about it) and are not thrilled with what she had to say, which, by the way, sounds like good information and not like she was trying to discourage you from entering the profession. She knows a little about your personal commitments and knows about the program from an inside perspective and gave you advice, that *you* asked for, based on those factors. Thank her for her feedback and then do with it what you will - take it or leave it.

Specializes in Oncology.

If you do decide to continue to pursue nursing school, I strongly encourage you to try and improve your writing skills before hand. I'm not sure if English isn't your first langue, or if you just wrote this in a hurry, but nursing school has a LOT of writing.

She might be giving you good advice if you are distracted with "life" . 60 % of my class when I started is gone. Only about 20% will graduate on time.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

This 'church friend' doesn't seem to know whereof she speaks. The LVN program is not as easy as she makes it out to be. How would she know the level of difficulty if she has never been a nurse? Hearsay?

I've completed an LVN program, an ASN program, and a BSN completion program. Out of the three, the LVN program was the most challenging and kept me the busiest. I know whereof I speak...

Thank you all for the responses. The thing is that i had only askwd her about the financial aid part. She already knew i was persuing a nursing degree since before this semester started.

Since the beginning when i had mentioned i was persuing the ADN route she started making those type of comments, my husband was even present the first time, and later that night he said he thought the sister was trying to say i was dumb. This is the reason i oonly asked her about the financial aid part today.

I will follow the advice everyone has giving mme. Thinking about it, it is the most rational. Sorry about typos iam using my phone.

I just needed some advice on how to take this. I really like this lady, and i wouldnt like to lose the friendahip i have with her.

As far as being a irresponsible student , i think this are some of the most disciplined educational years iam going through. I have put my self a goal to reach, and that is to get a degree. I now have two beautiful children and a husband, i cant undergo a failure. Iam doing this for my family, i actually have 3 A's and B that can go up to an A after the teacher grades our binders(we do 6 assignments every week, but she only puts a completed check mark; she still needs to add the grade for all chapters)

Just nod and smile...

Then get on with the business of achieving your goals.

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