I am a school nurse and my district recently implemented a program that requires a crisis team at every school. This involves drills throughout the year that the nurse is responsible for. Being new to the district and school nursing I asked my boss for help. The majority of the nurses in our district were nervous about this as well. My boss proceeded to say "it's not rocket science" and "if I have to come help you then I have to help everyone." I reached out to some of the other nurses in the district to get their opinion because I was shocked that she would refuse helping on such an important matter. She just sent me an email demanding I stop all communication to other nurses and come to her only from now on. How could that even be ok? Peer support is so important to succeed and survive in nursing, especially as a new nurse. I need advice as to what you guys think and who to reach out to for guidance. There has to be something that is evidence based that supports the importance of having your peers to reach out to.