Just got ito ADN program...takes 5 semesters. Have 80 some credits, 3.9 GPA in science and math, and a CNA cert. I am about to start it in a mont but I am thinking....I am probably going to look back and say damn I wish I just committed and went all in on medicine and became an MD. What do I do? I also was offered an EMT program which they would cover everything for at zero no cost to me for duration of program, if maybe that provides any benefit to that end?
I am 32 yr old male, recently my gf and I broke up after both moving to RTP area NC from MD together, not knowing anyone here. I feel I am in a position best suited to make such a split second determination to scrap the RN aspect and just go everything in on an MD... What do ya'll think. My main motives for it are I am really excited to learn about the deeper aspects of the science of our anatomies and why the body processes and everything works. I am fascinated by it and want to do labs with cadavers and other cool things. I just don't know it would be nice to be in a program right now and be out there in clinicals and feeling like I was done with this onlines course self study stuff......