Nurses General Nursing


i have been trying to get into nursing school (accelerated bsn) programs in my state for two years now. i have not been accepted to any, in which i apply once or twice a year. i am wondering if i should try for an adn program. am signed up for one at the community college and have to wait a year on the waitlist. some of the hospitals in our state are going towards "magnet" status, (this seems to be the growing trend). these magnet hospitals will not hire adn nurses. i know a bsn provides better opportunities in the future, but i can't get in!

i don't know if i should continue to beef up my resume (which i have been doing for two years, (every time i get rejected) or go into an adn program. any advice?

I kind of know the feeling, but then I don't.

I called about doing an ADN program one day because they only take one seven hour class per semester, and that would've been spread over two years. That'd make it easier for me to keep doing the job I've been doing. That program was full, but their new BSN program was short on applicants and they asked me if I was interested in that. I already had a B.S. degree and all the prereqs so I said why not. I literally did nothing to get into that program other than make the phone call. Timing is golden. Anyway, we take four classes per semester once everyone is in the actual nursing component (which I am). Interestingly, although we have more classes and go into things in more detail, obviously, some people who dropped out of the ADN program to enter the BSN program say our classes are easier and our instructors are better which is cool. Also, if you've got the prereqs already, as many of us did since a third of us are career changers, you can get the BSN faster here than you can ADN then BSN.

I'd go with BSN personally. You'll getter better exposure.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Ortho, ASC.

"I'd go with BSN personally. You'll getter better exposure."

Sure. If you can get it.

Why not take a chance with the ADN program? I took a chance 14 years ago and am currently making more than many BSN nurses in my area.

But whatever....go with your gut. The BSN proponents will always tell you that their program is better. It's up to you.

Specializes in Critical Care.

I called about doing an ADN program one day because they only take one seven hour class per semester, and that would've been spread over two years.

What ADN program only does one seven hour class per semester??? Mine was far more than that! lol. I think my last semester was 16 credit hours alone.

Specializes in Critical Care.

To the OP, I would go with the ADN program if you can get in now, and still can't do the BSN. Yes, hospitals are going towards magnet status. But that doesn't mean they don't hire any ADNs. Besides, you can do the ADN, then immediately start a bridge program and finish with your BSN in the same amount of time as going to a straight BSN program. And who knows, you could get a job right out of school with your ADN and start working as a nurse sooner. And in my opinion, new grad ADNs are far better clinicians when starting out. And this is reflected in NCLEX pass rates.

Specializes in ER/ICU/STICU.

Many programs also have an accelerated BSN program if you have an ADN and a previous degree. There are pros and cons to going ADN or BSN, but I personally enjoy ADN to BSN. That's what I did and I feel like I got more out of my BSN classes because I had experience I could apply to it.

Specializes in ER, ICU.

I would pursue all options and take the one that will get you your RN the quickest. You can get your BSN later if you need or want, and you will be getting the experience and benefits that will help you do that. Good luck.

Specializes in LTC currently.

What you can possibly do since there is a waiting list and you have all of your prequisites courses done is apply for an LPN program, and then once you complete the program you can bridge and go from LPN to BSN. IF YOU GO THIS ROUTE YOU WILL AVOID A WAITING LIST. A while back in 2001 my aunt wanted to do the RN program but it was a waiting list even at the city of chicago community colleges, so she did the lpn program and then bridged over(8 months bridge). She finish school as a RN before the students that had to wait for the RN program. The benefits of going this way was of course there wasn't a waiting list and when she finished LPN school, she was able to work part time at a LTC facility while she did the bridge program. Working in the field for a short time while bridging helped her during her clinicals. Althoug she only have her associates, you can bridge from a LPN to BSN. Good luck:yeah:

Specializes in ED, ICU, MS/MT, PCU, CM, House Sup, Frontline mgr.

Apply to both. Even if the ADN program has a wait list at some point you may get in, right? If you had applied over a year ago you would be in the ADN program now. If and when you graduate with your ADN, then go for your RN-BSN. In fact, as a New Grad start one of these programs as you search for a job. You can write it on your resume and some employers mayhire you because you are already enrolled in a program.

Specializes in cardiac.

well from personal experience, i tell all freshman going to college to do the bsn route because it will take less time in the long run.

in your case, go with whoever will get you in sooner. it seems to me the magnet hospitals want nothing to do with adn nurses. i've come to realise that with my adn i'll be spending a year in a ltc facility. the only people i know who got hospital jobs right out of school were those already working there as cnas (something to consider!) i would also check out lpn programs. seems like schools are starting to offer more and more lpn-rn courses.

good luck and hopefully you'll get a spot soon!

Specializes in Critical Care, Nsg QA.

I would continue to try to get accepted into the BSN program, however if that's not happening then I would to ADN

As for the BSN program, have you made any personal contacts with the faculty in the nursing school? Try setting up an appointment with the school counselor and see if you can get them to steer you to the right person to talk to in the nursing school. Meet with that person with the intent of setting out goals for acceptance. If it looks promising, I would call the contact person in the nursing school about twice a month.

I have no idea if this will work, but if you continue to show yourself to them, eventually (I think) they will accept you - as long as all your other information/grades/scores are in line. Show them you are determined! Good luck!

Specializes in medical/surgical/peds/neuro.

I personnally got my ADN many many years ago and started working at a local hospital. Back then the hospital paid 75% of the costs for me to go on for my BSN. So not only was i making money as a RN with a ADN degree, I was gaining experience as a new grad and getting my BSN paid for. It took me 3 years of taking classes on and off. i did get my BSN but sadly it has not done much for me in the means of getting me a better nursing job or more pay.

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