Actual GPA! (TWU or others)


hello everyone. i've been lurking around for a while, but never posted before.

i'd like to ask anyone of what your actual gpa was and what program you were accepted to and what year (doesn't matter if it's not twu)? i'm trying to get my gpa up to a 3.9 from a 3.6 for twu's fall 07 application and others, and would like to get a clue of the accepted gpa. thanks:thankya:

TWU (Dallas) acceptance is based on GPA (80%) and NET (20%). I was accepted for Fall06 with a 3.9 GPA and 80% on the NET. I am not sure what the cutoff was yet since the letters just went out last week. I should be able to find out after spring break.

I know that the Fall06 group was the first with a .4 GPA bump for students who have taken their core courses at TWU. It had been just a .2 bump before.

Good luck with your application and on the NET!

Specializes in 5th Semester - Graduation Dec '09!.

I think that it has to do with credits. Ok, for a 4 credit Biology class counts for more than a 3 credit english class because it has more credits so...

If a person got an A in an english class, B's in two biology classes, it normally would be 4.0 + 3.0 + 3.0 = 10 divided by 3 classes = 3.33 GPA

A actual/true GPA is when you multiply the grade for each class by the number of credits, and add them all up, and divide by the number of GPA's. so....

English (A in a 3 credit class) = 4.0 + 4.0 + 4.0

Bio#1 (B in a 4 credit class)= 3.0 + 3.0 + 3.0 + 3.0

Bio#2 (B in a 4 credit class)= 3.0 + 3.0 + 3.0 + 3.0


Total of 36.0

Then divide it by the total number of GPA's for each grade (11) so...

36 divided by 11 = 3.27 actual GPA, so classes the more credits a class has, the more it counts, in terms of your overall GPA.

I think this is what you are talking about. I think that TWU has a graph you can download so you can figure it out. I hope that this helps.

Specializes in Operating Room.

Baylor's scale is based on GPA, you need to pass the NET but I'm told it doesn't make much of a difference unless you score below college level. I'm in nursing school @ Baylor's school of nursing in Dallas (did my first 2 in Waco) and was accepted with a 3.2 (Spring applicant), although I believe the requirements will be higher for this coming fall (3.5 and University Level sciences).

Baylor takes a weighted GPA, which isn't too difficult to figure out, multiply the GPA point for a course (a=4,b=3,c=2, d=1) times the # of semester hours (credits) for the course, add them together and divide by total hours.

Good luck


Hey. I just got accepted for Fall 06 at TWU-H. I had a 3.654 and I got a 60% on my NET. Honestly, I don't know how I got in to tell ya the truth..all I gotta say is praying really helps! ;) Good luck to you!!

P.S. Does anyone know how many people TWU-H took for the fall?

Hey guys I'm currently at TWU-H and I know the cutoff for the spring 06 semester was a 3.6 and we didn't hav to take the NET.


and remember this is just the beginning...have as much fun as you can before you start!!!

Specializes in NICU Level III.
Hey guys I'm currently at TWU-H and I know the cutoff for the spring 06 semester was a 3.6 and we didn't hav to take the NET.


and remember this is just the beginning...have as much fun as you can before you start!!!

hehe, more like have as much fun as you can before your sr I semester! my gosh, these people keep me busy!

Specializes in NICU.

I started at TWU-Houston in Fall 2003 (graduated last May!!!!) and I think they accepted 60 people to the program. The number they can accept is based on the faculty available for lectures and clinicals, as there is a limit of 10 students/instructor. I took my core classes at TWU also, but I don't think I got any extra consideration because of that...However, I had been in the honors program in Denton, and because the required GPA for that was so high, they decided to guarantee acceptance as long as the honors students GPA was above the minimum nursing GPA. I know this may not seem fair, but I had a 4.0 going into the program, and was the only person coming from the Denton campus to Houston that semester, so I got in my own, without that extra assistance.

Congratulations to the new TWU-Houston grads, and feel free to send me a private message if you have any questions!!

I, by the grace or god, got accepted with a 3.0. Many years ago, I had three f's on my transcript that keep my GPA down. I gather that they looked at a recent copy and saw I am an A student now. I have two semesters left and I will graduate from school!!

Specializes in trauma ICU,TNCC, NRP, PALS, ACLS.

like the above posting sd have fun now b/e some of the professor at TWU-h will have u stressed, tried and wondering when will the dean realize why are half the students dropping (blank) class. dean " I think I should do something about it" (not)

Ha!!! She is talking about Kyle![EVIL][/EVIL]

Specializes in trauma ICU,TNCC, NRP, PALS, ACLS.

How did u guess (haha):lol2:

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