Published Jul 18, 2010
118 Posts
There was a patient who came into the clinic and when they found out they were going to need an IV they said "no I don't want this test, I'm a needle phobic and I'm leaving, please call my doctor and tell them I refused". So that's what I did. I also notated all of this information on their chart and that the doctor was aware.
I was very nice and understanding with this person. I even offered to have the doctor give them lidocaine prior to the IV and they refused. This patient said I wish all nurses were as kind and understanding as you've been with me. The following day I get a call from the DON who said this patient called to complain about me refusing to start their IV because they had lousy veins and I basically told them to just leave. I am stunned. I shouldn't be, but I am stunned, and hurt. Thankfully my DON doesn't believe any of it but had to fill out an SOE just the same. That's what hurts me.
471 Posts
People are psycho, sometimes. There's no way around it. Don't let the buggers get ya down.
137 Posts
Unfortunately I was fired from a job because of resident untruths. This caused me refusal to two other jobs in the future. It has been 3 years, and I now have a GREAT job which I love, but it doesn't take away from the way I felt then. My husband was disabled and we had just gotten good benefits which I needed. It was my word against the resident and the DON would not even tell me WHICH resident so I could defend myself. I was asked if I wanted union rep, and I told the 6 mangmt people in the room during my "exit" review that "why??" it was my word against theirs... It still hurts. My reputation was on the line..
Simply Complicated
1,100 Posts
Whats an SOE? I don't get why people do those kind of things. Its not like calling and complaining was going to benefit them in anyway.
Your manager should believe you, especially since you have it documented!
38,333 Posts
When you find out that your employer is the kind that does not back up their employees, you should place the thought in the back of your mind, that it is only a matter of time before you get screwed over in one way or another. Weigh the pros and the cons of the job, decide whether you should begin a lukewarm job search.
1,850 Posts
Why? My guess is that some people try to create situations where they think they have a course of action in court in order to benefit financially.
mamamerlee, LPN
949 Posts
The only issue that may have helped is that you SHOULD have conacted the doc immediately while the pt was still there to explain the situation. And any time a pt refuses, contact your immediate superiorto let them know.
This was probably preplanned by this person.
Patients lie all the time. About little things and big ones. When patients would tell me that they drank alcohol, I stopped asking how much. I asked 'a case a day?' I got better answers.
Sorry this happened to you.
Altra, BSN, RN
6,255 Posts
Why? In this particular case, I think it's because that now that the patient's condition is presumably not improving because he/she didn't get the recommended treatment ... by blaming you then it's not his/her own responsibility.
And yes, people go to epic lengths to try to shift responsibility onto anyone other than themselves.
Sorry this happened ... and glad to hear that your manager is reasonable.
200 Posts
My favorite line about patient's not telling the truth is "It is their perception of what happened" Yes and their perception is a fairy tale. Document, Document, Document...
82 Posts
"Lady, people aren't chocolates. Do you know what they are, mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard filling..." Dr. Cox (Scrubs)
Okay, I'll admit that is a tad extreme, but you get the idea. We don't get to pick and chose who we take care of. There will be some very bastardy people among the more pleasant patients. When that is the case, all you can do is hold your head high, because you conducted yourself with integrity. And also, as time passes, you can look back and see the humor in some of these experiences.
And I agree with Caliotter3- it is so important to have management have your back.
20 Posts
You guys are awesome. I'm applying for nursing school and it's great to read things like this to know what I'm really in for. It's great though that you all still have a sense of humor and can give advice on how to handle situations like this. Thank you!!
Whats an SOE? I don't get why people do those kind of things. Its not like calling and complaining was going to benefit them in anyway. Your manager should believe you, especially since you have it documented!
Management has backed me all the way. They still have to fill out an SOE because it was a formal complaint. Management said "we'll just file it away and be done with it". Still it hurts for someone to so blantently lie without a thought of what it would do to the person (me).