A&P II Spring 2009, anyone?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Is anyone here takining A&P II this spring besides me? I was wondering, what have you all heard about the difficulty of this class? Do you hear that it is harder than I, easier, or about the same? I loved A&P I, but some of it was really tough for me (sliding filament theory, nerves, etc.). I did end up with an A, because I studied my butt off, but I'm hoping to be in the nursing program this spring, and I know that's going to keep me really busy as it is.

It helps me knowing that the professor for this class is pretty cute! :chuckle

Specializes in ED.

I had my first test in lab last week. I'll find out my results tonight. It was on Blood and the Heart. I'm not sure why, but we don't do Endocrine in my lab, at all.

I also had my first test in my lecture class yesterday, so I will find out those results on Monday. That was on the Endocrine System and Blood. I'm feeling like I did really well on both. I am SO glad for that for us the Nervous System was done at the end of last semester. Endocrine, for me, was so much easier and more interesting. Did anyone else feel the Nervous system was difficult?

I thought that the nervous system was a bit tricky but what helped me was that I also took a 4wk Psyc course which covered lots of that stuff and I did a paper on the Para and sympathetic area so it was reinforcement for me.

Specializes in Couplet Care/Newborn Nursery.

I am finding it hard to learn the endocrine system.

I think it is the way my teacher presents the information. He is kind of all over the place and uses too many concept maps.

We've just finished the endocrine and we're starting on circulatory. Endocrine has a TON to memorize (as you all know!) but our lab last week helped with some of the hormone pathways, just have to study those!

My instructor did a poor job explaining the endocrine system and the notes she provided were lacking. I've been studying my own notes and now I have a pretty good grasp of it. We're learning the male/female reproductive system now.

Specializes in ED.

Yay, I got my first test grade back in my lecture class. Our test was on the Endocrine system, and Blood. I couldn't believe it, I got a 96! And to top it off, only 3 people in the class (out of 40) got an A, and mine was the highest! Heck, I was just hoping for an A, but I wasn't expecting to have only missed 2 questions on the test! I got an A on my first lab quiz, too (that was on Blood and the Heart). I missed 2 questions on that, but it was a lower A for sure (less questions), but an A at my school is an A no matter how high or low, so it really doesn't matter.

How is everyone else doing with their tests/quizzes? What are you finding difficult? Easy?

Taking A&P II this semester as well- it doesn't seem to be more difficult, just different. I think at some point you become accustomed to having eleven tons of info dumped on you, and your brain just sort of hourglasses through it. Don't have result of first exam yet, I'm guessing low/mid-nineties. Memorization is never a problem for me from books. I struggle the most with cell/structure type recognition during practicals. For instance, I'm pretty sure that the adrenal gland slides are just relabled plantar slides from last semester... >=o) We secrete epinephrine from our feet, right?

Specializes in ICU.

I love A&P II. I have my first lab exam in about an hour and my first lecture exam on Monday. I wish they presented this information in high school. I definitely wouldn't have wasted my time avoiding nursing my first time around in college. This is so much better than high school Bio or Chem.

I got a 96.4 on first lecture AP 2 Test!!!!!! wooo!!!!! It was over endocrine, blood, and the heart! I only missed 2!!! I think I studied a total of 10 hours over 2 days I was holed up in my room and just studied for 2 days straight.

I love my AP2 teacher alot more than my teacher from AP1. She gives us a study guide and my first teacher was just like "study everything" So AP2 is turning out to be alot easier than AP1. although i am worried about learning all of those blood vessels and where they are. we have a stickman figure in lab that we have to know

Well so far, I am also finding AP2 easier than AP1. AP1 was taught via power point and text, AP2 via lecture notes. First quiz- Special Senses - 95%, 2nd quiz- Endocrine Glands - 95%, 1st Exam - Special senses, Endocrine Glands and The Blood was done tonight. I won't know until next Tuesday what my grade is.

Waiting on first lab test next Thursday.

Just needed to vent:)

Had my first APII today, it was outrageous!!!

He told us, "you will Not like my multiple choice questions" and he was right.

Why do instructors feel the need to overload you with all this info only to ask

questions that make you feel like you've Never studied?

I'll have my first Micro Tuesday and she's a military tyrant who likes to bully us.

Honestly, where do they get these ego-maniacs from?

Just needed to vent:)

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