Virginia Monitoring Program

Nurses Recovery



I was wanting to start a thread for only people in the Virginia Monitoring Program. I am not finding too many threads about it or people in it. I have started into it and will be doing orientation soon. I will try and post what I can but of course no one can answer your legal questions, only legal counsel can do that. This would be more for personal experiences and what not.

If anyone is in it and would like to participate in this thread, please do.

So, for me, I am in it for mental illness (will not disclose what I have) and ETOH abuse. My story began when I sent my application in for licensure (to the board). I was honest and disclosed because I don't know what the future holds and I thought it would be in my best interest to disclose. Plus, I don't feel comfortable lying. I personally do not have a history of drug use or drug diversion (my apologies if you have heard my story in other threads). I was sent a letter from the board requesting my provider send a letter regarding my dx, tx, and prognosis. In addition, I sent a letter on my own behalf with my provider's letter. My case went before the board and I was offered approval to take NCLEX if I agreed to enter into the monitoring program. If I did not agree, there would be an informal conference scheduled. If I had decided not to do the monitoring program and went with the informal conference, I was informed that there could be approval, there could be denial, there could be probation, or the offer could stand at entering into the monitoring program. There's just so many things that could happen. I thought about it and really wrestled with my decision. I have to be honest, in the beginning, I hated the idea of entering into the monitoring program. I really was thinking of taking the informal conference. Then, I realized that I could be denied. No possibility of taking NCLEX and ultimately, no chance at being a nurse. I continued to think about it and decided to take the monitoring program deal. I figured that it was in my best interest (I was in the very early stage of having a mental illness dx, so I hadn't been treated for long and this would force me to stick with getting treatment whether I liked it or not) and I would also get to sit for boards. It took weeks to receive the order in which I would have to sign (and get notarized) and send back to the board in agreement to enter the monitoring program. I went through the process and contacted the monitoring program and told them I would need to enter it and that I had a board order. A phone intake assessment interview was scheduled and then, they sent me paperwork to fill out. The monitoring program sent me recommendations that I have to follow and I will have an orientation for the program. After the orientation, I will have to do random drug screens.

Some random facts about the monitoring program. You can't work in health care until they approve you to go back. The drug screens are $50 each and they can test you as often as three times a week. From what I understand, if you are compliant, the screens (therefore, the cost) eases up. I just about had a bird when I found out the cost. But a few people told me that if I was in compliance, that it usually eases up. I am really hoping this is true. You, the participant, are responsible for the cost of the screenings. The orientations for the program are held in Richmond. Your health care providers and possible health care employers have to fill out forms every so often.

As of right now, this is about all I know. I did keep a time table of when I received documents from the board and monitoring program and when I would send documents to them. From the time I filled out my application to the time I received my board order and entrance into the monitoring program/contract, it was approximately 6 months. I will be taking boards soon.

If anyone else is interested in sharing and is in Virginia, please do. I know I have come across threads asking about this monitoring program and there wasn't much info and no one updated. I hope to keep this updated if others are interested. I hope I didn't violate TOS. Thanks.

Just a random thought, but does anyone think getting a lawyer might help to get the 5 years knocked down a little? I don't know if once you sign your contract with hpmp if it is too late to get a lawyer. I have no criminal charges so who knows if a lawyer would even do any good. Just a thought I had today and decided to get some input:)

Specializes in ER, TRAUMA, MED-SURG.

Hi! I know in Louisiana once u sign the contract it's too late to change anything.

Anne, RNC

Thankyou for your post. I live in Chesapeake, VA and just attended HPMP orientation. Where can I go to attend Caduceus meetings? Thankyou.

There's three meetings in our area. Norfolk @ Norfolk general, va beach @ vb psych and Newport News though I don't know the location. Norfolk is wed @ 6 or 7 I think and vb is thurs @ 6. HPMP should have given you a list but I've heard that they often forget to do this. PM me if you have any questions.

I have been in the Va HPMP officially since August. It has been quite an adjustment. I feel like it is impossible to jump through all the hoops they have set. It is so frustrating my case manager is really difficult. Sometimes I just want to quit and walk away from it all. I need some support and advice. I usually have to screen twice a month the last time I tested they said it was dilute not sure how that was. I told her that I average about 80oz of water daily but never before a screen. They said that if I have another one they can make me do a hair testing. Which sucks totally and it was not something that was done on purpose. I am so so bummed out. Any advice would be appreciated.

That would be a great help. All of the stress is getting to me

I just started the vahpmp last month and it is exactly like hopper812 says. I was sent to the program bc my employer required me to do it even though it was not bc of a work related incident. I came forward with a physical dependency from pain killers that I had been prescribed. I was feeling worse and worse and had tried to wean myself with no success. I knew I would probably need time off bc of withdrawal from the medication so I did notify my employer of the problem and asked for assistance. Well ever since that day, I feel like I have been punished for asking for help. After finally getting an orientation date set, I get a certified letter in the mail two days before orientation from my employer stating I was no longer on the payroll bc I ran out of leave. If I hadnt entered into the program, I would have already been back to work bc my doctor released me in Dec to return. But since my employer asked me to sign a contract with the vahpmp, I was giving them the right to tell me when I could return to work. So not only did my employer completely turn their so called supportive backs on me but they fired me for doing what they asked me to do which resulted in additional time off causing the termination. Now that I signed the contract "in blood" it seems, I am afraid to drop out so I can return to work. They really have put me in a bad place. I am already paying for treatment, medication, counseling, etc, and now have to pay additional costs for additional testing that is required by the program. I do believethe program is a good thing for those that need it. It helps protect your license while your in treatment for whatever caused you to be in it. It also gives people that need the structure just that and more and it also enforces routine drug screenings which will help people stay clean. It has its benefits but if you are not an addict who tends to relapse or has a potential for relapse bc of working environments, then what good does it do to put your life into a strangers hands who now has the right to say when you can or cannot work in healthcare again, and also has put you into a full fledge daily routine for the next five years. Wow, five years!!! Five years of daily check ins, almost daily meetings and counseling sessions plus several screenings a month. It is very detailed and demanding. For an addict, it is the perfect structured environment but for others who are not necessarily addicts or alcoholics, it is too demanding and too costly. I simply needed help getting off prescription meds. Granted they were pain meds but I asked for help bc I couldnt wean myself safely. I guess I am just going on and on but I feel like I was unfairly treated by my employer and now by the program. When I asked about dropping it since I was terminated and now wasnt required to enter it, they told me that I had about a 25% chance of being reported to the board. That may not be much but when it comes to your professional license, it means a whole lot. Feeling trapped, any advice???

You ARE an addict wether you want to admit it or not. You had a psychological dependency to opiates, and I'd think that you're in denial still. You're posting is full of denial and I can see how you're trying to "pity" us "real" addicts and trying to convince yourself you're not, but you ARE!

Maybe you should've filed FMLA papers or Short term disability to help with your issues of addiction. My advice would be to embrace your sobriety, your freedom from daily opiate use, and create a strong recovery moving forward...this too shall pass.

And at least your addiction didn't get to the point of diversion, be thankful for your blessings!


"I simply needed help getting off prescription meds." Wow. Kinda sounds like an addict to me. I don't speak unknowingly. I entered the Virginia Monitoring program in 2001, jumped through their hoops, suffered their case managers, had many supportive backs turned on me, etc. Somewhere during that time, maybe while i was working for $7.10 an hour cleaning hotel rooms, I realized it was about me. I had put myself in that position, I had given others power over the license that i had worked so hard for, and needed so desperately to support my family. I quit putting people into categories, stopped expecting the world to turn my way, and changed my behavior. I jumped the hoops, re jumped when told to, paid the money, 'did the time' and got through it. Now i have a job as a director of nursing at a home health agency, don't abuse substances, and don't feel trapped. Bottom line -- apparently you haven't even been reported to the board yet. You are way ahead of the game and can come out of this without board action. Be thankful that there is a process to make a mistake and still retain your license. Keep it real and keep it moving. Don't waste any more time denying, blaming etc. Stay clean. And be thankful.

Your all right, I did have a problem with my meds. I did become physically dependant on them to get thru each day bc of the pain so I am an addict. I didnt use them to get high so that is why I say physically dependent. I wasnt trying to pity anyone. I simply felt that I was unfairly treated by my employer. I hadnt been reported to the board or had any work related incidents, I needed help getting off my pills so I asked for help. I am currently on day 90 of being clean from pain meds and I feel great. I am trying to deal with the pain in better ways by seeking therapy and such for it. I am anxious to get back to work bc I love what I do. I have alot to be thankful family, my kids, and my health. I am moving forward from here and taking day by day to understand just how I became addicted to pills and how it impacted my life. Thanks for all the advice.

I am glad you didn't misuse your medications. The psychological issues that come along with addiction are terrible (and that goes for anyone who has been hooked because of pain or to get high). I am sorry your employer did that to you, it does seem unfair and maybe they just didn't want to deal with the impending contract. You did a very brave thing and even though this is a tough road the alterior road is much harder. Your other choice was to try and get off of them on your own, it sounds like that wasn't an option for you. That could have lead down a very very dark path. Keep your head up, you did the exact right thing by addressing it!

I am so glad someone has taken the time to right this thread. I currently debating whether to join HPMP. I am really worried about the costs and hoops. This has taken away some of my fear of the unknown.

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