Curious. How many "older" students

Nurses Announcements Archive


It seems that alot of people are doing nursing for a second career. Just curious. How old is everyone? Who has kids? Is it a mixed group in the professional part of the nursing program (I am still doing pre-reqs)? Where are you living and what school do you plan on going to. BSN or ADN? What area of nursing do you want to go into?

I am 32, will be 33 in August. I am married with 3 kids. I live in Phoenix and will be going to Arizona State University for my BSN. I am doing the BSN rather than the ADN because I would like to be a CNM. Although I am also interested in ICU too.

Hi, I'm 31, married, with 2 kids (4 1/2 and 3) and taking my pre-req's right now. Got 5 more to go, so I'd be looking at entering the ADN program in the next 18 months - 2 years depending on how I schedule my classes.

It seems that alot of people are doing nursing for a second career. Just curious. How old is everyone? Who has kids? Is it a mixed group in the professional part of the nursing program (I am still doing pre-reqs)? Where are you living and what school do you plan on going to. BSN or ADN? What area of nursing do you want to go into?

I am 32, will be 33 in August. I am married with 3 kids. I live in Phoenix and will be going to Arizona State University for my BSN. I am doing the BSN rather than the ADN because I would like to be a CNM. Although I am also interested in ICU too.

Hi to everyone!

I'm 27, turning 28 on the 19th of this month. I am married with 2 kids: a very energetic 4 yo (playing with her is my exercise for the day) and a happy 3 month old (she's always smiling--gas maybe?). My husband is a paramedic, and is very supportive of my career decision. I graduated with a BA in Accounting and Information Systems and have lived in NY for all my life.

This Fall, I have been accepted at a local community college for my pre-reqs. Plan A: I plan to go to Columbia University, as they have a 3 year program for "non-Nurse College Students" called ETP (Entry to Practice program). Upon graduation, an ETP graduate obtains both a Baccalaureate and a Master's degree in Nursing. Plan B: if I don't get in to this school, I plan to go to Pace University, as they have a very good program as well. If not there, then the next school, and the next. Point is, I don't plan on quitting no matter what, as Nursing has been my true calling. My ultimate goal is to become a Nurse Anaesthesist.

Happy Birthday to Manna. Pisces women rock!...LOL!

Take care everyone and regards.

26 yr old father of two boys ;)

I'm 38, not married, no kids.

I used to sell real estate...but not very well so I was looking for some sort of career change.

I got interested in nursing after my mother was injured in a car accident. She had a broken bone in the pelvis and couldn't move around at all, She spent over 6 months virtually confined to bed and it took almost 2 years to get her back to the point where she could completely care for herself.

I moved back in with her to take care of her during that time and that experience caused me to become interested in nursing.

...I'm old enough that I have some nerve using a screen name with "girl" in it.:rotfl:

It seems that alot of people are doing nursing for a second career. Just curious. How old is everyone? Who has kids? Is it a mixed group in the professional part of the nursing program (I am still doing pre-reqs)? Where are you living and what school do you plan on going to. BSN or ADN? What area of nursing do you want to go into?

I am 32, will be 33 in August. I am married with 3 kids. I live in Phoenix and will be going to Arizona State University for my BSN. I am doing the BSN rather than the ADN because I would like to be a CNM. Although I am also interested in ICU too.

I'm 50! And am starting in the fall. ADN. That was the first program to call and I jumped at it.

I'm 28 now, married, 2 kids. I'll be almost 30 by the time I graduate. I used to think I was old, until I found out that the average ADN graduate is 30. WooHoo, I'm average! :chuckle

hi, i'm 28 with 4 kids (2 are mine, 2 are step children, all at home with us). i am in my first semester of my ADN program. i spent last year doing pre-reqs. i also have to drive to get to my cc, about 150 mile round trip.

I'm 41, single mom to a 19 year-old, was working on pre-reqs for an accelerated BSN/MSN program due to start this May. Money issues and a health problem have reared their ugly heads (again), so as of right now I'm not taking classes and had to withdraw from the program I was going to start. I'm trying to see the good in all this, but I feel like it's one road-block after another sometimes. Anyway, I still have my goal of becoming a psychiatric nurse practitioner someday; it'll just take a little longer.

Specializes in LTC.

Hi there. I'm a 31 year old mother of three (6 1/2, almost 8, and 9). I actually started nursing school ten years ago and had to quit after the first semester. Now that my kids are in school all day, I can restart. I'm in my second semester of the ADN program and I'm loving it.

Specializes in ED/Psych.

Hi all:

I am turning 36 in March and am now taking the first two nursing classes for a bachelor's at RIC in Rhode Island. If I go through both summer sessions, I should graduate in the Spring of 2006! I then plan on getting my Masters in either Psych NP or Health Administration. But who knows, by then I could change my mind and decide that I want to practice in a different field of nursing.

I am divorced with no children but have 2 furbabies, Zeus, a chow and Persephone, a great pyrenees. Up till now, I have been a legal assistant/office administrator at a law office and have slowly been taking my prereq's and general ed's for the past few years in order to obtain my goal of being a nurse.

I think that there is definitely some advantage to being an older student; for myself particularly, I feel that I take my classes with more seriousness than I would have earlier on in my life.

Good luck to all........


I am 36. I will start LPN school in August and I am taking an A/P class right now and the course work has been very very brutal to me!

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