Tips for Student Nursing

I looked at the Competition Title and thought... Hmmm I can't comment on this one and then all of a sudden I thought, 'What about all those out there pondering the idea of going nursing', so here are my tips for "Student Nursing/nurses". Nurses Announcements Archive Article


Certainly, this is based on my own experience, some has been great and some not so great, my philosophy is "take what you like, and leave the rest".

Firstly it feels fantastic to be able to write from my heart: heartbeat and my own feelings rather than having to quote, paraphrase, reference and worry about plagiarism!!

The first tip, learn how to write essays before going to nursing school, this will save a lot of heartaches, sanity, paper, and middle of the night redos! Know when one has written an assignment or essay that they are proud of and feel is a good piece of work, that the tutor won't necessarily agree! Note also that one tutor may like it and another may fail you. There is meant to be some kind of marking system in place. but this has proven wrong many times for myself and other class members. Tutor Z may give you a B, and tutor X may give you a D. My advice around this, is go to your tutor and get it to proofread before handing it in!! If that's not an option, go to your campus education center and get them to proofread it. And remember reference's, references and references!

My second tip would be to never pretend or say you 'know' something when you don't! Because it will always come round and bite you in the butt eventually, and it's truly easier to just say, "sorry, I don't know".

Make friends with your tutors! They are the God's while you are doing your degree, they pass or fail you, and I'm sorry all you tutors out there, but they DO have favorites, I use to be so proud of standing my ground and speaking my truth and questioning questions, but this year I have learned how to Kiss ****!! So not in my personality, but whatever it takes!

I love hearing all the first year students all motivated and excited, but it does sadden, but not surprise me when a week down the track I see frowns and tears, a month down the track 2 or 3 have left, 6 months down the track everybody is stressed and grumpy and tired from late nights of study! Hey but on the bright side! It is awesome meeting new friends ( great girls nights out)!! and learning all about the human body, and mind.

The best part is being with the patients and testing out your new found skills on practicum, a word of caution for practicum, beware of preceptors, make friends with preceptors, and agree with preceptors!! At least that was my experience I hear others who have wonderful preceptors, unfortunately, I was not so lucky, however, this all makes one stronger and wiser in becoming a nurse. Oh, I almost forgot when you enroll or are accepted into the nursing program you must become an "angel", :saint: no being silly in public, definitely no drunken foolish pub crawls! No skinny dipping in the ocean! And a soft-spoken voice is preferred.

I have had so many experiences in my short nursing career as a student nurse, yet I have learned so much about human nature and politics!! This has certainly made me a stronger more assertive person. I love what I am doing, and for those of you that are considering going nursing, GO FOR IT! It's not easy, but if you are passionate about becoming a nurse and helping others it is certainly worth the rollercoaster ride!! :D

P.s I love the way I have written this with no thought or concern of spelling, punctuation or proper paragraphs! :p

Thank you for all the tips.

I liked your article, but I have to say before I got into nuring school I knew how to write essays and papers and everything. Once I got into nursing school it seemed to be a different story though. The charting that you do is all in broken sentences, or that's how we do ours, which was a very difficult transition for me.

On another note, I heard that some students from my school a few semesters ahead of me went out after clinicals still in uniform, with the school logo on it and ordered alcohol. Probably not the wisest choice.

Thank u soo much! One for being down to earth and another for just telling it like it is!!!!!:yeah:

References, assignments and reflective practice. My three nightmares

HI! I am right there with you! I wanted to be an LPN when I graduated from high school 20 years ago....but "life happened" and here I am in my first semester of my 11 month program. It is sooooo funny to be back in school from 8am to 3pm every day. I do find it amazing how those of us who have always wanted to be a nurse can not seem to ever walk away from that dream. It is like we put it on layaway for a couple of years....but we know with every fiber of our being who we are supposed to be. Good luck to you and just know there is someone in Virginia almost throwing out a butt cheek trying to lift the book bag in the car too! :smilecoffeecup:

:eek: I absolutely LOVE it. Thanks for the tips. I've got one year of school left and need all the advise I can get!!!!!
Specializes in Interested in Neuroscience Nursing.

Please Please Please add more tips!! :D Also I am interested in Neuroscience nursing (already have B.S. in Psychology and love Neuropsychology), do you have any tips as far as achieving this speciality or any experiences in the Neurology Ward that may help me in my nursing career? I love hearing experience stories because they hold a wealth of information one can not get from a textbook ;)

Thanks a lot for the tips you post it. It is a little scary to me, because my writing is by far not perfect or near to be.. But honestly, all I have heard about nursing school is equally terrifying. I would enter to Nursing School this fall09 at UM(university of Miami). Let's see how that turns out to be.

Thanks for the tip, and if you have some more useful tips don't hesitate to share them. I look forward to hear some more.:wink2:

This is so encouraging!!! I was accepted into a 1.5 yr RN program on June 3rd! I start classes this coming Tuesday but have orientation from 9-5pm on Monday. I'm so thrilled, so excited. Though the 1 class that scares me is Health Assessment. Fellow students who have been kicked out or dropped out say it's hard and great to get a C in. I do not want a C in any of my nursing classes. I'm 19 yrs old by the way and will graduate right after my 21st birthday. That is my birthday present to myself.

I am a freshman wanting to specialize in emergency care as a nurse, thank you so much for the tips they well be useful to me. :bowingpur

thank for the articucle, is very amazing to know that experience.

the articucle explained some things so important to me.

thank you very much. :yeah:

Thanks for the article! I will be starting nursing school in January, I will take your advise with me. Especially the part about being soft spoken. I am kind of a loud bubbly person so I will work hard to keep it some what in check.:D