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  1. 1. Focus on the here and now, not yesterday or the past.The present is all that matters and where it leads to in the immediate future. The present is what placed the person on the unit in the first place. The future allows a way out. 2. Focus on caus...
  2. Psst...New Nurses

    I realize that there are so many articles, blogs, books and inspirational bookmarks, coffee cups, and laminated lanyard tags that tell you how to be a great nurse. You learn throughout nursing school how to calculate BMI, use your posture to leverage...
  3. How to call a provider at 3 am

    I've worked nights on and off for about 10 years- I have many stories from calling providers in the middle of the night, good, bad and funny. Bad story: My patient status post-GI surgery complains of chest pain at 4 am, I call the intern and...
  4. 10 Tips for Home Health Nursing

    1. Have a good sense of humor.You have to learn to laugh at yourself. This is a good practice for most aspects of your life. But if you take yourself too seriously, no career will be enjoyable. 2. Be open minded.Toto, we are not in the hospital anymo...
  5. IV Placement Hacks

    We all have our strong suits. What's yours? Maybe it's code management, mediport access, or another technical skill that requires just the right amount knowledge and finesse. There's always that "go-to" nurse on every unit. Staff turn to the expert o...
  6. Tips for Human Nursing

    REALLY LISTEN AND REFLECT, THEN YOU WILL LEARN: First of all I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to complete a grad initiative in acute care. This was an experience where I am paired with staff RN's for six months and in a way be mentore...
  7. jeastridge

    Learning to Talk

    The doctor walked into the exam room where the patient sat on the edge of the exam table. In her late 50's, she was slender and held herself erect, tense as if preparing to slide off that paper-covered surface. The young doctor, maybe in her mid 20's...
  8. Though this general insider advice from our customer service team should be applicable to any board, be sure to check your specific board's policies. Understand The Timelines for Your Board Testing window How long does it take your board...
  9. Additionally, when a woman is supine for the catheter insertion procedure, it can cause the urinary meatus sink down, just inside the vaginal opening, resulting in the clinician being unable to visualize it. The following "thumb method" of cathe...
  10. Let It Go and Relax

    You think your stressful morning is finally over once you make it out of the house, into the vehicle, and off to work. However, as many of us know, that is usually not the case. You merge onto the road thinking all is good until you get behind anothe...
  11. Tips for Student Nursing

    Certainly, this is based on my own experience, some has been great and some not so great, my philosophy is "take what you like, and leave the rest". Firstly it feels fantastic to be able to write from my heart: heartbeat and my own feelings rath...
  12. Melissa Mills

    30 Safety Tips for the Home Care Nurse

    Home care nurses have a unique and rewarding job. You provide skilled care where the patient lives. You get to experience their everyday life and impact their overall health and well-being. But, there are dangers when traveling all day in and ou...
  13. When it comes to anything having to do with scholastic endeavors, I have always taken pleasure and excelled. As I would tell my professors when they asked me how I did so well, the realm of academia has always been my happy place; I have some modicum...
  14. I have done a lot of research on HESI through the internet and taught myself (through the HESI book, Saunders Questions, course reviews dealing specifically with critical thinking) how to answer questions and came up with this really short guide. Tel...
  15. UM Review RN

    The Value of Transfer Boards

    When I asked why they were not covered by Medicare or Medicaid, I was told that a sliding board is a tool that helps the caregiver 's back more than the patient. While it is true that a transfer board does cut down on back strain for caregivers, slid...
  16. To say that the first semester of nursing school is overwhelming would be an incredible understatement. Between being assigned to read 20 textbook chapters a week, skills checkoffs, and your first clinical shifts (not to mention, care plans!), studyi...
  17. Hints for Med/Surg Nursing

    My number one tip for med/surg nurses is to connect with your patient, make eye contact and listen to what they have to say. They are someones mother,father, sister, brother, son, daughter etc. Wouldn't you want your family member treated that way ? ...
  18. Advice for new RNs, from a new RN

    I am by no means a seasoned nurse, but I have learned a few things during the beginning of my career that have saved me time and made my work more efficient. I work on a fast-paced MedSurg/Trauma/Orthopedic unit in an inner city teaching hospital. I ...
  19. Jan busied herself at the bedside of her patient, a woman she had seen before during a similar admission for COPD. As the woman struggled to breathe, Jan could easily read the panic in her patient's eyes. She changed a sweaty pillowcase, put the head...
  20. I originally wrote this guide for family and friends who have been asking me about the steps to become an RN in the UK. I am currently on the process of acquiring my Tier 2- Visa and will be updating this as I go, and only when I have free time to do...
  21. As nurses, we often want to "fix" patient's problems. But, the reality is that when we spoon feed our patient's solutions to their health problems, the likelihood of failure is high. Patients who are committed to change, succeed. It is as simple as t...
  22. Janet didn't belong in nursing school ... or so we thought. Fresh into the first semester, she began arriving late or missed class altogether. If it wasn't a doctor's appointment, it was a car problem or some child-care issue. This single mother alwa...