Topics About 'Nursing School'.

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Found 34 results

  1. Just as it's crucial to understand what a nursing career entails, it's equally important to understand the real-life challenges of nursing school and what it takes to succeed. Considering that, here's everything you need to know regarding how hard nu...
  2. Entering a nursing career involves various educational paths and milestones. While the journey may differ between individuals, the goal is often the same: to provide exceptional patient care and contribute meaningfully to the healthcare industry. ...
  3. I just started the 2 year ADN program at my community college about a week ago. I am actually the youngest in my program at 18, and I have no nursing experience. Before I started, I obsessed over blogs and spent a lot of nights wondering if I could e...
  4. Pursuing a nursing degree can be exciting for many reasons, whether to make a difference in the lives of thousands or for career advancement and salary gain. However, the associated costs of education are sometimes a barrier to this pursuit, with tui...
  5. Entering a nursing career involves various educational paths and milestones. While the journey may differ between individuals, the goal is often the same: to provide exceptional patient care and contribute meaningfully to the healthcare industry. ...
  6. On a per month basis, what's the total cost (avg is fine) of your nursing education? School costs such as tuition, food, transportation, books, gear, etc
  7. I’ve really been struggling with maternal and infant. I also have a test on Monday which I have been studying for every single day a little bit but whenever I study with classmates or do practice questions online related to the material sometimes I g...
  8. For those who are working full time and going to school full time... How are you managing it? Are you getting help? Is it a struggle? How are your grades? Click Like if you enjoyed it. Please share this with others, and post your comments below!
  9. First generation college students often have educational experiences that greatly differ from those of their classmates who come from more educated families. I was one of those students who had been the first in my immediate family to complete colleg...
  10. How Quickly We Forget

    They were cramming for pharmacology and very anxiously awaiting the grades from a principles test. Some were crying even, and all of them were so stressed out it made me want to pull my hair out along with them. The girls were so pale and tired from ...
  11. tropsnegRN

    Yes, You CAN Do This!

    Congratulations. You’ve embarked on a journey so many of us have trekked before you, yet in a crazy whirlwind of a pandemic. Obviously, you must have dreams and goals that pushed your desire to enter into the world of healthcare and conquer the beast...
  12. LPN school: The First Year

    March 5, 2007. My first night of LPN Nursing School. I was sick to my stomach, nervous as a cat, and ready to quit before I started. Sheer determination made me walk through that door to the classroom and find a seat. Sheer stubbornness kept me comin...
  13. You can easily find an article, book or tipsheet on how to succeed in nursing school. Most nursing programs offer an "orientation" to the program and dedicate time on the agenda to discuss student success. I would like to use my experience as a nursi...
  14. I am a pre-nursing student wanting to go into nursing school this year or next. I have finished most of my pre-requisites and also have a bachelor's degree in biology. Are there any downsides into going into nursing school right now amidst the COVID ...
  15. AccelCNL

    Never Give Up on Your Dreams

    When I signed up on this site in 2006 I was at my second college and trying to get into the nursing school there. I was not a successful student at my first college (due to college shock and illness). When I transferred I thought things were finally ...
  16. Just some useful information on Georgia state that I've decided to write an article about, I'm currently finishing up my senior year of high school and will be applying for the BSN course offered here in the near future. Before I begin with my person...
  17. I remember when I first discovered allnurses. A second career was in my future and nursing was in my list of the top three choices. Making the best choice required some guidance. allnurses offered some gems of wisdom buried within spicily worded r...
  18. My Senior Nursing Experience Paper

    Our nursing class has known about having to write this paper since the very first week of nursing school. We were divided into groups and the faculty that led our group read us the nursing experience paper they had chosen, with the writer anonymous o...
  19. Tips for Student Nursing

    Certainly, this is based on my own experience, some has been great and some not so great, my philosophy is "take what you like, and leave the rest". Firstly it feels fantastic to be able to write from my heart: heartbeat and my own feelings rath...
  20. Is it when you get accepted or a bit before the semester starts? I'm applying for Fall, which is nine months away; when do you think they would make you submit a drug test?
  21. Why I Want to be a Nurse

    I was not only playing Women's Lacrosse, but I was finally away from home, away from my parents, away from what I thought I knew as "all my troubles", and I was given a brand new start in life. Let's just say, the time and money I was able to sp...
  22. A Letter to Student Me

    Dear Me, Yes! You will survive this semester. And the next one, and the next one ... It’s okay, you don’t have to have straight As. Don’t let a B discourage you. That B and that C will still get you through school. It will get you that degre...
  23. I had dreamed of becoming a nurse since I was a young girl and, having finally found the opportunity, I just could not let this slip from my grasp. Thinking back to my youth, I had taken a personal vow in my heart, that someday I would go to nursing ...
  24. Here are some tips for nursing school: 1. First block and most of second is learning the basic fundamentals of nursing.. READ YOUR will never fail you. 2. While you read your book annotate the chapters highlighting the important m...
  25. The first part is from a nursing instructor at a college so, YOU KNOW IT's good stuff! Dress as if you were going to a business interview. This would include: Solid color, conservative suit (black, blue) Coordinated blouse ...