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  1. "Don't give up," advises Cheryl, a South Carolina RN who passed the NCLEX-RN in June 2005 on her second try. "You persisted until you graduated from nursing school, and you will also have to persist and apply yourself until you pass the state boards....
  2. To get there, first you must go through at least 2 years of education about the entire process and your responsibilities in the said field could mean life and death for others...some of them would still say "ok". Now, mention that it's nursing. "Whoa...
  3. First off give yourself credit for completing nursing school and getting to this point! So many wish they could be in your shoes, so never discredit yourself although it's hard to not doubt yourself as you're going through the brutal studying that is...
  4. How Quickly We Forget

    They were cramming for pharmacology and very anxiously awaiting the grades from a principles test. Some were crying even, and all of them were so stressed out it made me want to pull my hair out along with them. The girls were so pale and tired from ...
  5. You really, really want to be a nurse. In fact, becoming a nurse might have been a lingering childhood dream of yours. Perhaps nursing was never a childhood dream, but you somehow came to the realization that you wanted to be a nurse in adulthood for...
  6. TheCommuter

    Face Your Fears

    First of all, let's start off with a workable definition of fear, which is one of the most primitive emotions that affects us today. Fear is an emotional response to a perceived threat or impending danger that results in an urgent need to get away fr...
  7. How I Passed NCLEX Different Methods

    I'm an EMT, gone LPN, and now and finally an RN! I knew healthcare was my calling and I loved the excitement of each license, but I needed something more. I attended Miami Dade College for both my LPN and the transitional program to RN (which was bru...
  8. Some Kind of Friendship

    It wasn't professional. It wasn't healthy. It wasn't encouraged and it certainly was not expected of a "professional" nurse. I probably lasted six months. Here is a true account of a patient I met (and was destined to meet) one weekend morning during...
  9. THAT Moment...

    As a final assignment near the end of nursing school, I was asked to write an essay describing my most memorable experience as a nursing student. Wow... As I contemplated the MANY memorable (the good and the yuck) moments of nursing school, one ...
  10. How Can She Take That...

    It was at 3 am that the patient, a young gentleman man with cardiac monitoring, was sent to us. Sitting in high fowler, breathing via nasal prong and on infusion amiodarone running through the peripheral vein, he seemed to be alert and conscious. "On...
  11. Kaplan vs NCSBN NCLEX-RN Review

    I am an older 30 year old male married with children who had very little if any experience other then nursing school in healthcare. I graduated from a much respected private university that had 98% of their grads pass the NCLEX the first time, accord...
  12. What I learned in nursing school is how to set up an IV fluid set, what to do when a patient is exhibiting signs of septic shock, the most intricate details of hundreds of medications, how to give different types of intramuscular injections, and how ...
  13. I took the following sections: Math, Reading comprehension, Vocabulary & general knowledge, Grammar, Anatomy & Physiology, Learning styles, and Personality test. Best test prep for the MATH section:The Elsevier HESI Admission Assessment Exam ...
  14. Opportunities to practice skills often came in waves with proclaimed "learning opportunity" attached to tasks that others didn't want to do. I was OK with this approach because I really wanted to learn and help out. So the days came where it was my t...
  15. The Mahogany Door

    It was in a part of the hospital known as Phillips House 22, a lockdown medical-surgical unit on the 22nd floor of the Ellison Building, a modern glass tower that's part of the Mass. General main campus in the West End. Phillips House is a unit of pr...
  16. HESI A2 Tips: Ratios and Proportions

    I did math first because I am someone that writes everything down, even with a calculator. I also double check that I typed into the calculator the right equation. MOST of my questions were PROPORTIONS! They were the easy ones too, 5:9 and x:20, solv...
  17. Standard Precautions These are the safety measures that should be taken with all patients. Wash Your Hands - Most important step in infection control. It prevents nosocomial infections. DON Gloves - Before coming in contact with any...
  18. Just some useful information on Georgia state that I've decided to write an article about, I'm currently finishing up my senior year of high school and will be applying for the BSN course offered here in the near future. Before I begin with my person...
  19. My Senior Nursing Experience Paper

    Our nursing class has known about having to write this paper since the very first week of nursing school. We were divided into groups and the faculty that led our group read us the nursing experience paper they had chosen, with the writer anonymous o...
  20. Tips for Student Nursing

    Certainly, this is based on my own experience, some has been great and some not so great, my philosophy is "take what you like, and leave the rest". Firstly it feels fantastic to be able to write from my heart: heartbeat and my own feelings rath...
  21. gemini_star

    Daily Profile of a Student Nurse

    She wakes up almost everyday at 5 am to prepare our breakfast and her snacks while getting ready for hospital duty at 7 am. It is such a wonder how she looks so refreshing with less than an 8 hour of sleep. She wears now her ironed white uniform, the...
  22. When it comes to anything having to do with scholastic endeavors, I have always taken pleasure and excelled. As I would tell my professors when they asked me how I did so well, the realm of academia has always been my happy place; I have some modicum...
  23. During clinicals, students need to protect themselves from being taken advantage of by nurses, certified nurse assistants (CNA's) and patients. Often when a student is on the hospital floor reviewing charts for selection, a seemingly kind nurse will ...
  24. Define Nurse

    The word "nurse" is derived from the Latin word nutrire which means "to nourish." The word nurse also has its roots in another Latin noun, nutrix which means "nursing mother," often referring to a wet nurse (a woman who breast fed her babies). The Fr...
  25. Farting Is Still Funny!

    Further review of her chart showed that the patient's medical history included a bowel resectioning, wound evisceration (a complication of hysterectomy), and what started all of these problems was "unexplained weight loss." She had been in and o...