Playing to My Strengths: Sometimes Having "Job ADD" Isn't Always A Bad Thing!

I'll admit it, I get bored easily. This is not to say that I get complacent at a job, but once I'm doing well with my job duties, I start finding other things to do, in addition to my own responsibilities. I started organizing and stocking the treatment cart, making sure medications were ordered from pharmacy before we ran out and when they re-modeled our medication room and it looked like a disaster zone, I organized the supplies and threw out empty boxes before someone was able to find the time to actually sort and organize everything, sifting through the details. Not only was my behavior noticed, but it helped me move up the chain of command! Nurses Announcements Archive Article

Playing to My Strengths: Sometimes Having "Job ADD" Isn't Always A Bad Thing!

I've been working at my current nursing home since late May. I realize that it's a bit of short time to be in a position and transition into a different one, but I feel like it's a good fit. I'm not a new grad (4 years out of my BSN program plus a certificate in Nursing Education) but I'm not at all done with learning and growing professionally.

When I started, I spent a few weeks orienting on the floor, mainly to get acclimated to the medication cart and caught on piece by piece. (I had been spoiled with Pyxis and physician order entry and computerized MARs in the hospital.) It took me a bit to get into a groove, but I had the opportunity not only to cover the front end of my assigned hall, but the back end and the last 4 rooms on an adjacent floor. I developed a great routine with my medications and treatments, and built great rapport with my residents.

The more I put myself into the job, the more frequently I found myself doing "extra" things. It became annoying when I would say to myself, "I'll just do this one last thing before I take my lunch," get distracted by another task after having completed the first one and by the time I remembered that I still hadn't had lunch, I admitted defeat.

A few weeks ago, I was approached by a unit manager (not even my own unit manager) and he asked how I would feel about becoming the 11-7 shift supervisor. I told him I'd definitely be interested but would have to talk to DH first about the hours. (I was working 7-3.) Within the span of the past month, I've had a meeting with the ADON, an informal interview with the ADON and the administrator, and received an offer letter!

Now, I get to multi-task all I want, and find things, projects really, to get into and help out the facility and other staff. There's structure in that I have certain responsibilities but there's a lot more freedom! I helped out with chart turnovers last night, I've fielded some admissions, and I'm going to be working on preparing a new, improved supervisor's book. The current supervisor book is more of a scheduling book and I want resources and policies to be readily accessible to all supervisors.

I've noticed some problems that could be solved with new policies and started drafting some plans recently. I hope to meet with the new staff development coordinate to get this ball rolling. I'm working on re-writing the doctor contact list because there's a zillion copies floating around with similar but differing amounts of information. There are also contact/information lists on some units, but not others. I realize that I'm probably being a bit idealistic and there's no way I'll be able to get all of this done by myself and there may be resistance or disapproval of some of my suggestions.

I love nursing in that multi-tasking is pretty much part of the job description, but as much as I liked passing medications, doing treatments, and working with residents, I love being able to think outside the box and actually do different, more broad and interdisciplinary tasks. I get to stay in the clinical environment, interact and work with residents, but I also get to do what seem to me like "higher level", "middle management" tasks. I actually simply report to the ADON, like the unit managers do.

I started out as a psych nurse, thought there was greener grass and am now coming back to psych. I've never stopped using my psych skills and never regret having not worked med-surg.

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That's a great and inspiring story!! This proves that nurses' hard work is appreciated :yes:

I wish you every success.

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

OMG sounds like me at work...stocking cabinets, cleaning up, organizing, looking for stuff to do...

I read all of this thinking you had landed a dream job. and you got bumped from days to nights. ;)

Specializes in LTC, office.

It is nice to see management noticing and appreciating someone going above and beyond their job duties.

Specializes in adult psych, LTC/SNF, child psych.
I read all of this thinking you had landed a dream job. and you got bumped from days to nights. ;)

You know, days was actually starting to wear on me. I like to do things with my daytime, but work is not one of them. Sleeping in the afternoon is where it's at!

Great way of looking at the positives of a job !

I've been feeling really burned out, this has given me a feeling of wanting to kick butt again!