Vit K

Specialties Emergency


Specializes in Critical Care, Emergency, Education, Informatics.

How many of you are allowed to give Vit K IV?

Specializes in cardiac/critical care/ informatics.

we have stopped giving iv vit k unless it is put in a pb, and that is seldom done anymore.

Specializes in SICU, PACU, Public health.

i have seen it goven both Iv Push and IVPB. I feel better about piggyback of course.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, PCVICU and peds oncology.

We give it IV over 20 minutes. I haven't given it IM for a long, long time but I suspect that will change, because I'm likely going to be working prn on LDRP in the near future...

Specializes in Cardiac, ER.

I was taught in school not to give it IV (1998), and I've not been allowed to give IV anywhere I've worked.

Specializes in CT ,ICU,CCU,Tele,ED,Hospice.

in 20 yrs of nsg i have never given nor been allowed to give iv vit k it can cause hypotension and anaphylaxis.i have always given it in a shot.

Specializes in Pediatrics, NICU, ER, PICU.

Never given it in IV..always injection. Newborn babies get it routine.(here anyway)

Specializes in Everything but L&D and OR.

we give it as a piggyback routinely.

Specializes in ED, ICU, PSYCH, PP, CEN.

Have been forced to give it twice IV. I always beg the doc to not do IV, but have had to twice. Thank goodness nothing happened.

Specializes in Emergency & Trauma/Adult ICU.

Have given it both IM & IVP.

after handing the syringe to the doc to give, he changed it to IM and we haven't had that problem anymore. are you giving it for a high INR from Coumadin? we generally use FFP too if there is a critical need

Specializes in ICU;CCU;Telemetry;L&D;Hospice;ER/Trauma;.

I have given it IV (slowly) in ICU many times. We have pharmacy recommendations, which we follow; it isn't given on the reg. nursing floors as IV/push or piggyback....never had a problem...there are risks, but so is bleeding to death from a INR of 7.0!

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