Your shift is over. Go home!


What is with these nurses who clock out and then "hang around the unit for an extra hour?:angryfire Do they think they are helping by hanging around and talking to me? I don't have time to talk. I want them to go home so I can get my work done.:angryfire What is wrong with these people? How do I get them to get out of my way and go home?

Specializes in Med-Surg.

"get out of my way and go home".

"I'm sorry you don't have a life, but I have work to do."

j/k. I would inform them, if there is anything left to do, I'll do it. That's why we have 24/7 coverage. Most of the time when I encourage people to leave, that I will glady do those last minute tasks they are relieved and high tail it out of there.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

That is just weird. I can't get out of there fast enough when I have clocked out, and I clock out ON TIME 95% of the time. I am eager to get home and be with my family.

I would just tell them their families are waiting, GO HOME.

I would just tell them their families are waiting.

Maybe that's why they don't want to go home? lol :chuckle

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

While i love what i do, when it's time to go home, the LONGEST that i stick around is to wait on someone to walk to the parking lot with (since it's typically dark when i go), usually another girl that gets to go the same time i do everyday.

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.
Maybe that's why they don't want to go home? lol :chuckle

I knew a guy that used to put off going home for a couple of HOURS, saying he couldn't stand his wife (didn't ask why, didn't want to know).

He finally got a part-time job to go to, so he wasn't hanging around his full-time job

I would have that problem too. I would start off saying...Lets hurry up and do report so I can get you out of here and out of my way. It was in a joking way, but I think they all got the message. Also.."git going unless you want me to leave or put you to work" helped.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

Well if things are that bad at home, then it's a real problem for them. But hanging around at work is not the answer to that problem.

Specializes in Med-Surg.
Well if things are that bad at home, then it's a real problem for them. But hanging around at work is not the answer to that problem.

I worked with a nurse, whom I loved dearly that would stay hours, and I mean hours after work, doing projects etc. Someone concerned coworker found out she was abused and waiting for man to go to sleep. Her friends tried to get her to accept help, but her religion forbade her even thinking about leaving him and then she got pregnant. She would go in spurts, but we knew when she was staying late, things weren't good at home, but she would never talk about it. Truly sad, because she was such a decent person and awesome nurse.

Specializes in Med-Surg, OB/GYN, L/D, NBN.

LOL... I wish the next shift would pick up those "minute" things I am staying to do. 99% of the time I don't get to clock out until 30 minutes after my shift is over doing those "last minute" things. And when I do clock out, I am on my way out the door.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

OK----- well I stand absolutely corrected. I forgot not everyone had a decent homelife and yes, abuse is epidemic (I was there w/my first marriage). I feel sorry and sad for those so desperate that work is their refuge. Thank you all for opening my eyes up a bit and kicking my tail----- I needed that!!!!!

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.
i worked with a nurse, whom i loved dearly that would stay hours, and i mean hours after work, doing projects etc. someone concerned coworker found out she was abused and waiting for man to go to sleep. her friends tried to get her to accept help, but her religion forbade her even thinking about leaving him and then she got pregnant. she would go in spurts, but we knew when she was staying late, things weren't good at home, but she would never talk about it. truly sad, because she was such a decent person and awesome nurse.

if it's not safe for her at home, i'm glad she had somewhere safe to hang out. years ago, i found myself hanging out at 0300 in an all-night convenience store right outside the air base on which i lived -- because i was afraid to go home until my husband left for work. i left him in 1987 -- cannot believe it took me so long, or how much better my life is now!

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