You MUST be freaking kidding me!?


Specializes in Rehab, LTC.

So I am 2 weeks away from graduating my LPN program. I have worked as a CNA for the past year to make sure I have patient experience as well as I always heard it was easier to gain employment at a facility you already work. So I have have bust my tail for the past year with working and going to school. I have been counting down the days till I will no longer have to work as a CNA and can start working as a nurse. :nurse:

Then today my DON calls me to tell me they don't have any LPN position available and asked me to continue working as a CNA for another 3 MONTHS!!!!:eek:

She told me they just hired in a bunch of new nurses and they need to get them trained and settled in first before they can offer me a position, but that I am first in line for the next opening! WTH!!:devil:

I have lived and breathed nursing for the past year and her telling me this is like a punch in the stomach! I told her that I will be fully licensed in about a month and would rather work as an LPN. She then told me that if I decide to leave to at least put in my 2 weeks. I didn't even know what to say to that! I've never had any performace, attendance, or peer issues so I am really confused about where this is coming from. I guess I will just have to start looking for employment somewhere else, but finding new grad LPN positions around here is really difficult.

I'm sorry you're frustrated but I think there's a good possibility that waiting three months there would be quicker than finding something new elsewhere.

Specializes in LTC.

Don't be discouraged. I would continue looking. There are jobs out there. I was blessed to have 3 job offers as a new grad LPN two weeks post taking my boards. I don't care what others say about how hard it is to find jobs... everyone is different and I truly believe in one selling themselves to find a job. Now is your time to really build your resume, and start networking ! Good luck and don't give up. You will be a nurse soon and you need to start getting your nursing experience right away.

You haven't graduated, and you haven't passed your NCLEX yet. Might be jumping the gun a bit by harassing your boss about a job that you currently are not even qualified to take. Now if 3 months from now they're still blowing smoke up your butt, then that's a good time to get peeved and look elsewhere. In the mean time, you're talking maybe a month and a half delay on getting a job you want. Most grads would be quite jealous of that.

Specializes in LTC, Psych, Hospice.

I'm sorry to hear that. I'd start looking and seeing what's out just never know. If you start now getting your resume out you may be able to get a head start on your classmates. I know it would suck big time to continue working as a CNA after getting your license, but maybe you could pick up some PRN shifts. Just a thought.

Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.

I can only imagine how frustrating that must be but -- for some reason, and maybe it's because they know how scarce jobs are these days, employers are not appreciative nor do they return your loyalty or praise your work habits and attendance record the way they would in the past.

I've gone through a similar situation lately. It is something along the lines of their comment to you "well can you at least give us 2 weeks notice if you leave?" gee thanks . . . :uhoh21:

What I would do is look for an LPN position and stay where you are - don't complain too much and see what happens. Three months is not much in the grand scheme when it comes to our job hunt these days. You will find out if they are sincere about their reasons by then or - if they are stringing you along.

I know how it's maddening and I can relate to having the rug pulled out from under by an employer you thought you had good standing with. Bites.

Hope in 4 months you can tell us it all worked out in the end and congrats on your acheiving your LPN !! :up:

Specializes in Rehab, LTC.
I can only imagine how frustrating that must be but -- for some reason, and maybe it's because they know how scarce jobs are these days, employers are not appreciative nor do they return your loyalty or praise your work habits and attendance record the way they would in the past.

I've gone through a similar situation lately. It is something along the lines of their comment to you "well can you at least give us 2 weeks notice if you leave?" gee thanks . . . :uhoh21:

What I would do is look for an LPN position and stay where you are - don't complain too much and see what happens. Three months is not much in the grand scheme when it comes to our job hunt these days. You will find out if they are sincere about their reasons by then or - if they are stringing you along.

I know how it's maddening and I can relate to having the rug pulled out from under by an employer you thought you had good standing with. Bites.

Hope in 4 months you can tell us it all worked out in the end and congrats on your acheiving your LPN !! :up:

Thank you for your words of encouragement! Hopefully all will work out! Hopefully another LPN will jump ship and a position will open up before then. :lol2:

Specializes in LTC, Hospice, Case Management.
So I am 2 weeks away from graduating my LPN program. I have worked as a CNA for the past year to make sure I have patient experience as well as I always heard it was easier to gain employment at a facility you already work. So I have have bust my tail for the past year with working and going to school. I have been counting down the days till I will no longer have to work as a CNA and can start working as a nurse. :nurse:

Then today my DON calls me to tell me they don't have any LPN position available and asked me to continue working as a CNA for another 3 MONTHS!!!!:eek:

She told me they just hired in a bunch of new nurses and they need to get them trained and settled in first before they can offer me a position, but that I am first in line for the next opening! WTH!!:devil:

I have lived and breathed nursing for the past year and her telling me this is like a punch in the stomach! I told her that I will be fully licensed in about a month and would rather work as an LPN. She then told me that if I decide to leave to at least put in my 2 weeks. I didn't even know what to say to that! I've never had any performace, attendance, or peer issues so I am really confused about where this is coming from. I guess I will just have to start looking for employment somewhere else, but finding new grad LPN positions around here is really difficult.

Look, I'm can understand your frustration but you also need to try to see the other side. What is the guarantee you will pass NCLEX first time? How does the DON provide adequate staffing while waiting for you to pass NCLEX, especially if it ends up taking you longer than expected? It could be 6 weeks or more until you are ready - who should work the summer away covering shifts that she can get covered with new nurses that are ready to go now.

From your post, the DON never implied they were not interested in having you as part of the team but their first obligation is to provide adequate staffing and sometimes it just can't wait. This is not personal, but she has a job to do too.

Specializes in Rehab, LTC.

Nascar- I see what you are saying. Just the whole initial shock of it all was a real blow to my "life plan!" I was counting down the days till I no longer had to work as a CNA. I have also registered for my boards and plan to take them as soon as possible, which should be 2-3 weeks after graduation.

I guess for now I will just focus on finishing my program, and taking boards. I will see what falls into place after that.

Specializes in LTC, Hospice, Case Management.
Nascar- I see what you are saying. Just the whole initial shock of it all was a real blow to my "life plan!" I was counting down the days till I no longer had to work as a CNA. I have also registered for my boards and plan to take them as soon as possible, which should be 2-3 weeks after graduation.

I guess for now I will just focus on finishing my program, and taking boards. I will see what falls into place after that.

Good, I'm glad you understand. As a DON, I would have the most respect for someone in your situation that was showing me what a great CNA you are, how dependable you can be and being in my office as soon as NCLEX passed and reminding me how excited you are to get going.

If at that time you still think you are being jerked around, maybe you are. Then it is time to go look somewhere else.

Best of luck to you!

Specializes in Psych.

Same situation here kinda. Just finished my RN and there were positions on the psych floor that I currently work on as a PCTA ( aide that does paperwork). Passed boards a week ago. Hospital closed 1/2 of a floor so all those nurses have to be placed before they can even consider hiring a newbie :(

Some of the folks who have responded to your posting have pointed out that you are not yet licensed, so technically you are not qualified to have the nursing position at this time. So does it matter that you need to wait three months?

On the other hand, something for you to consider is that since you came into the place you are working as a CNA, even though you have gone to nursing school and will be licensed, the people that you currently work with may always see you as a CNA, even when you are licensed. You may always be behind the new grads they hire from outside, and always treated like a CNA. That happens sometimes.

Also, the fact that the DON responded to your concerns by telling you to give two weeks' notice sounds like she isn't very appreciative of the time you have put in there. She may also be saying that she does not want you there as a nurse without coming right out and saying it.

Look. You should always explore your options. Right now you need to focus on finishing your education and passing the NCLEX. The three months will pass quickly. Try to get interviews or offers from other places, so that if your current employer doesn't deliver, you have other options.

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