
Let's say you went to CNA school and while you were there you met a student. This student is middleaged and lives with family. He admits (without any source of remorse) that he shoved his preteen niece hard against a wall when she talked back to him. This same individual wants to be a nurse and is applying for programs. He has a forceful personality as it is. Would you anonymously call the directors of these programs and tell them not to admit him? Yeah, he's that bad.

I'd deffinately imform the powers that be of someone trying to get into a position of authority / responsibility / trust that has personality / control / anger issues.

That being said, I wouldn't judge too harshly on the whole shoving thing... we have no way of knowing what the back story is, and how much crap he had to put up with before the shove.... did the kid get in his face and stay there, or did she simply say one thing he didn't like? and if the shove was a simple "shut up" kinda half shove that bumped her into the wall, or a two handed "**** YOU" that put the kid through the drywall....

Not that either is really acceptable, but everyone has a breaking point, and if the kid pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed.... eventually you kinda get what you have coming.

(kind of like if you walked up to a dog and started kicking it... following it around all day kicking at it... nobody should really blame the dog when it turns and bites you....)

Only thing you can do is contact LE and or child welfare (depending upon the age of the niece) and leave it at that.

Basically all you have is hearsay which not only cannot nursing programs act upon, but can get *you* in trouble for spreading "'rumors". There is also the fact anyone capable of violence towards a family member especially a female probably would have no problem *dealing* with you if the thinks you are in his business.

Unless you've actually witnessed something and or have something more firm than just this man's say so, contact the persons as above and move on from there.

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.

I would mind my own business and stay out of it. Too much unsubstantiated, out of context information to make any kind of a viable judgement.

BluemorningGlory you obviously don't like this guy, and you'd love to sabotage his nursing goals. CNA and nursing school have BCI's and this guy seems to have gotten through one of them. People like you that cause trouble and back stab others in the program. If I were a nursing school director and you came up to me with that nonsense, I'd put you in your place and keep an eye on you as much as possible.

Specializes in Forensic Psych.

I think I would MYOB, as my mother taught me. At most, if you're truly concerned, call child protective services.

Playing that phone call to the admissions office in my head, I gotta say...it sounds presumptuous and quite pointless. I would seriously question an adcom that would exclude someone based on hearsay and anonymous tips.

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

Minding ones own business is the best course of action.

No, I'd mind my own business.

Specializes in Med/Surg.

BluemorningGlory you obviously don't like this guy, and you'd love to sabotage his nursing goals. CNA and nursing school have BCI's and this guy seems to have gotten through one of them. People like you that cause trouble and back stab others in the program. If I were a nursing school director and you came up to me with that nonsense, I'd put you in your place and keep an eye on you as much as possible.


This. Sounds like you're just being spiteful.

Would you anonymously call the directors of these programs and tell them not to admit him?

I don't think there is anything they can do with that information.

Unless your classmate has a criminal justice record, then reporting him is moot.

And, if he does have a record, they would find it without your help whilst doing a background check.

If you really believe there is true danger to a child, then that is what child protection services are for.

You seem more concerned about getting him kicked out of the program than initiating any sort of help for this young girl...


Specializes in ER/ICU/STICU.

And by going to the directors to badmouth this person instead of contacting the proper authorities (that is if you are truely concerned for this girls safety) you could open yourself up to a slander lawsuit if the person were to find out.

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