Hi, i am a fairly new nurse. ive been working on a rehab floor in a ltc facility. yesterday, while i was passing meds, the aide called me to check on a resident because he was not responding. I went inside the resident's room, called him by his name several times but didnt respond at all, his eyes were just open, he was breathing, he was perspiring and he was a little cold when i touched him. Cant obtain BP. Oxygen sat was at 87%. I put him on oxygen. Called my supervisor for help. I asked her right away if i should call 911 since this might be going on for more than 5 minutes and she said yes. So i called 911. Went back to pt room and tried to get his BP and it was 80/60. When EMT arrived, after 2 mins, the resident started to talk. Eventhough he started responding, we still sent him to er for evaluation.
now, the unit manager and the other staff nurses are questioning me why i sent the man out. I told them the whole story but they keep on talking behind my back and saying that i was wrong. btw, the resident was admitted to the hospital.