Would you become a nurse again

Nurses General Nursing


If you had it to do it over again would you become a nurse? Would you rather persue another occupation?

Specializes in Med Surg/Tele/Ortho/Psych.

Are you going for your RN, RN to BSN or LVN? Only you can make a decision about what to do with your life. Do you like what you are doing? It is hard work, no matter where you work. If you get your BSN or MSN you have more opportunities and choices in nursing whereas if you get your LVN or ADN then you only have a certain ladder to climb. I would suggest getting atleast your BSN if you want to be a nurse and do it as soon as you can. Otherwise, you will be in physically demanding, high stress, low-staffed jobs. I though the money would be worth it and yes, I LOVE THE MONEY, but when you get older it is harder to deal with the demands of the job. Believe me, I am physically fit, hard-worker, and have high energy and I still get tired and stressed. Just some ideas. Keep doing what you are doing and get ideas, but you have to be the one to make the decisions for your life. GOOD LUCK.

I'm on the fence. I don't mind nursing right now, but in four or five years I bet I'll be a bartender.

Bottoms Up.

Specializes in Med/Surge, Psych, LTC, Home Health.

Hmmmm.... that is actually a tough question. Not long ago at all, I probably would have said, "ABSOLUTELY NOT". But, I've only been a nurse for a couple of years; at first it was terribly stressful but as I've gotten more confortable in my job... I think I'm glad I became a nurse.

I've always identified myself as more of an artsy-fartsy type person and not long ago I would have said that if I had it to do all over again... I'd get that teaching certificate and teach art, or I'd go to vocational school and get some more intense Graphic Design training (my BA is in visual art BTW). But all in all, I do enjoy my job, much more nowadays, and so I am really glad I became a nurse. I have come to realize lately, that it IS very very important that I remember "where I came from" and keep doing artwork every now and then, and keep doing community theatre and take my little girl to museums and small concerts, and just not forget to keep injecting art and culture in my life. I often get so busy with life and my job and my family, that I do forget to "feed my brain". :)

I do like the RN income much better than I like the teacher's income, or the graphic artist's income. Although, some web designers DO make the bookhoo.

Specializes in Community Health Nurse.
if you had it to do it over again would you become a nurse? would you rather persue another occupation?

no, i would not! :nono: i would pursue a medical career instead because becoming a doctor was my first choice. however i must add that i did enjoy nursing the first ten years out of nursing school. :) i'll leave it at that. :rolleyes:

Specializes in med-surg 18 months, respiratory 3.5 year.

I am a new grad, and trying to get adjusted to life outside of school. I work on a med/surg floor, and I am adjusting pretty well to my new job. If I had it to do over, I would have done it sooner.:chuckle

I went to art school right out of high school. My parents had gone there also and did not try to discourage me even though neither of them worked in the field. It was not until I had children of my own that I realized the importance of having job security and benefits. My parents never provided us with any health insurance. As children, my sister and I knew better than to get sick or hurt.:wink2: I wanted my kids to have everything they were entitled to have.

All the way through nursing school, I kept telling myself that if I flunked out, I would become a tattoo artist. I originally wanted to become a midwife, but after finishing nursing school, the thought of more school makes me weak in the knees.:chair:

To the new students and other nurse hopefuls, please don't get discouraged by these posts. If your heart is in it, you will find your own answers. :redbeathe


If you had it to do it over again would you become a nurse? Would you rather persue another occupation?

Not no but H___ NO!

I think I would most likely do it again. I really love my job and I work with really great people on a really great floor. My manager is cool and so are the assistant managers. The nursing supervisors are even cool. The only thing I might reconsider is going to vet school. I have always seriously wanted to do that and when I take my pets to the vet, I get really jealous of the vets. I have considered maybe going back to school for it but there is no schools close enough so that I would be able to commute. If there was though I would probably try it. I think I am going to get my trauma NP degree and my teaching certificate so I could at least teach clinicals. I love having students.;)

I would LOVE vet school. But I am a published writer now and will probably stick to that. Where do you live. I will ask my vet about schools.

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