Published Sep 26, 2005
MadisonsMomRN, BSN, RN
377 Posts
This is really making a LONG story short.
I was working as a staff rn for a state hospital. I started 3/30/05. 2 weeks later my son had seizure (he is 7)...his first one so I took him to the ER as per the pediatrician. Could not find anything. Of course I called out of work to do this. A week later he had another one...had to call out. I provided documentation to support my absence. THEN about 4 weeks ago my 18 month old daughter was hospitalized with campylobacter jejuni (have no idea HOW she came in contact with that). Anyway I spent another night in the ER and she was admitted for 2 days for hydration and IV antibiotics (thought she had a bladder infection but did not). So I could not go to work the night we were in the ER and THEN our whole family got sick with I was out another day. **4 occurances total**. Camplyobactor is a foodborne illness so the health dept was notified. THEY faxed a letter to my employer stating I could not work until 48 hrs after diarrhea had stopped.
WELL...the probationary period at this facility is 6 months. At my 6 month review they called me in at 3:30pm (I worked 3-11) and said that the would be terminating my employment on 9/30/05 at the end of my probationary period due to my occurances. Talk about shocked. I had legitimate documentation...why did they asked for it? UGH!! :angryfire My review was great with the exception of this. I know there is probably nothing I can do since it is a probationary period.
What do you think??
rehab nurse
464 Posts
wow...first of all, let me say i'm sorry about your kids, i hope they are well now.
i hate to say this, but i would just start looking for another job. obviously this place will never be accepting that life happens sometimes and we have to call in. at my job, i've had nurses walk out because they didn't like their assignment, aides as well...nothing happens to them. a few may be singled out, but the absence policy is NOT followed for everyone. the other night i had a cena whose nose would not stop running, she constantly had a kleenex and was sneezing and coughing. i sent her to the supervisor to keep her away from my pts, and they kept her on another unit. i actually found that out later that she had stayed, the sup told me she would be going home. :angryfire last year we did have an epidemic of the flu break out....about 10 people died from it, 75 percent of the buillding's pts had it, plus at least 50% of the staff. it was miserable. don't they learn from this???
right now they are on my about my attendance as well. i have lupus, asthma, migraines, and three herniated discs in my lumbar area. recently, i have had problems with my back and my migraines, and have called in 5 times in two months, always with doc notes. i am on my last write up before termination, even though all my excuses were documented. i also had to miss a day because my daughter became ill at daycare and i had to pick her up. so what i did was go and file for FMLA, so i can take time off as needed and they can't fire me for it. (of course, they'll fidn some stupid thing to fire me over i just know it). i turned it in friday, so i'm sure i'll be pulled in the Director's office. I actually learned from some nurses on this board that they did that, filed for FLMA and could take just a few days at a time, and you get up to 12 weeks per year. i would never miss that much (knock on wood), but i am sure they will not be happy about me learning about it. i don't care. as soon as i finish school i am out of there anyway.
do you really like it at that hospital? if so i wonder if you could ask for another chance. i mean, you had it all just burns me up when people that have legit problems are the ones who get fired. but i know some people at my facility that call in every other weekend just because they want to party, have been doing for the six months they've been there. ugh. i think you need to find another place, i hate to say that. if you have management who doesn't realize people get sick and have to miss work, i wouldn't want to work with them.
anyways, sorry to keep rambling here. you didn't say if you really liked where you were working. you deserve better anway. they wased all that money training you and just for four occurences they'll throw you out? unbelievable, esp since your eval was great otherwise. maybe you could ask them for another few months probation? i've seen that done at my job as well and they went for it. i guess it all depends on how bad you want to stay. sorry i couldn't help you. but i hope everything works out for you! :)
Thanks so much! :)
Actually I have an interview that I am getting ready to go to. It is acute rehab nursing. :)
I am sad because it was a state job. They told me that I could come back if I proved myself elsewhere :angryfire...
I learned a lot of things there so that is something that is valuable in going elsewhere...I practiced a lot of my skills. I did get along with the staff and I will miss the residents and patients
I really thinks its wrong. These incidents were obviously out of my hands. It wasnt like my kids had an ear infection or cold... :stone I guess it is just an unfortunate series of events that happened. I guess I wasn't meant to be there...
2,228 Posts
Some hospitals have a policy of termination for three absences in a rolling year, it doesn't matter if one has a doctor's excuse or not.
Good luck.
1,987 Posts
Wow, three absences in a year?? That's pretty stiff. Real life happens and there are some days that you have to miss. I'm sure that someone would look at 3 absences in a month and have grounds for termination, but in a year that would be pretty stiff. Do they discriminate between "excused" and "unexcused" absenses? From the way that you worded your post, apparently not.
I hope that they make up for that in holiday and personal time off.
It doesnt matter what's wrong...any absence is unexcused. Whatever, I am over it! I mean life does happen. I had an interview today and was completely honest...they hired me! This place is a little more flexible (as it can be). I totally understand the reason...nursing is 24-7 I know but when things happen that cannot be controlled...what do you do?? I certainly was not going to go to work and leave my baby in the hospital with someone else. No way.
Oh well. Everything happens for a reason. This job is acute rehab and it pays more!
489 Posts
:yelclap: I am so glad you found another job!!!! I hope this one proves to be a good one! Good luck!
129 Posts
And people wonder why there is such as shortage of nurses..........go figure:confused:
And people wonder why there is such as shortage of nurses..........go figure:confused:[/quoteMy words exactly. This place is REALLY short!
My words exactly. This place is REALLY short!
Congrats on your job in rehab!! it's my favorite kind of nursing....:)
and i hope your children are healthy as well.
good luck to you! :balloons:
HeartsOpenWide, RN
1 Article; 2,889 Posts
Not that it is ok, but most places, when you are in a probationary period they can fire you without notice and for no reason.
This is really making a LONG story short.I was working as a staff rn for a state hospital. I started 3/30/05. 2 weeks later my son had seizure (he is 7)...his first one so I took him to the ER as per the pediatrician. Could not find anything. Of course I called out of work to do this. A week later he had another one...had to call out. I provided documentation to support my absence. THEN about 4 weeks ago my 18 month old daughter was hospitalized with campylobacter jejuni (have no idea HOW she came in contact with that). Anyway I spent another night in the ER and she was admitted for 2 days for hydration and IV antibiotics (thought she had a bladder infection but did not). So I could not go to work the night we were in the ER and THEN our whole family got sick with I was out another day. **4 occurances total**. Camplyobactor is a foodborne illness so the health dept was notified. THEY faxed a letter to my employer stating I could not work until 48 hrs after diarrhea had stopped. WELL...the probationary period at this facility is 6 months. At my 6 month review they called me in at 3:30pm (I worked 3-11) and said that the would be terminating my employment on 9/30/05 at the end of my probationary period due to my occurances. Talk about shocked. I had legitimate documentation...why did they asked for it? UGH!! :angryfire My review was great with the exception of this. I know there is probably nothing I can do since it is a probationary period. What do you think??
Congrats on your job in rehab!! it's my favorite kind of nursing....:) and i hope your children are healthy as well.good luck to you! :balloons:
Thank you