Published Nov 23, 2003
10 members have participated
1 Post
hello everyone!
I was just wondering what is the worst part about being a nurse?
Thank you for any answers
Kora0880, BSN, RN
109 Posts
in todays profession probably the amount of stress and responsibilities one preson is forced to handle, otherwise it is a wanderful field to get into
jschut, BSN, RN
2,743 Posts
The worst part in my experience has been other nurses, of all things! The back-stabbing, let's-talk-about, let's-try-our-hardest-to-get-them-in-trouble type of people....
Yep, that's my worst part!
28 Posts
I believe the back stabbing, holier than Thou has got to be the worst.....And if you have a good sense of self confidence and you make others look bad you become a target for the stabbing. It is nice to have a "friend" on your unit to count on because it is really true what they say "nurses eat their young!" I would never have believed it before I got my license, but I have seen it firsthand. I encounter nursing students now and I enjoy passing on my prior nursing and nursing school experiences. I would rather be a mentor than treat students a nurses treated me as a student.......Nurses should appreciate an up and coming new nurse, not ask "why would you want to be a nurse" Just because older nurses were put through hell doesn't mean they have to put you through it.
Also, it took a long time to complete nursing school, but I love my profession and my job. (it is all what you make it) And failing a class does not a bad nurse make......I am a good nurse and have been told by other nurses that they too failed a class and it is nothing to be embarassed about. (too bad I didn't know that when it happened to me) Smart nurses that like to prove they are smart and let you know they were the top of their class is also a poor part of the nursing profession
162 Posts
Having to let your patient be completely disrespectful and treat you like total CRAP!!! and you still have to be nice to them!
15 Posts
For me I think that the worst part of being a nurse is that you work with others (not just nurses) that are not there for the benefit of the patient. As with any job you have to deal with slackers. Nursing is a wonderful profession. It is what you make of it that will determine the best & worst part of it. Good luck & try to find the positives so you can make a difference.
Spidey's mom, ADN, BSN, RN
11,305 Posts
Waking patients up at 4 a.m. for vitals and to stand up on a scale or be weighted with a bedscale (the dreaded hammock).
Picky co-workers who instead of working as a team, cause strife. (that is everywhere though).
Having to wake up at 1:45 a.m. to get ready for work.
Working in a rural nursing . . . .knowing a little about a lot and sometimes getting caught without knowing exactly what needs to be done.
Worst part about working period? Not being able to stay home with my toddler!!! But I'm grateful for working part-time.
orrnlori, RN
549 Posts
Wow, depends on what day you ask me. Right now, I hate dealing with the traumas at work, been feeling this way for the last 3 weeks and am dreading the summer months. I find myself thinking how stupid people can be because they will drink a case of beer and then decide to climb a mountain on their ATV, of course they end up my patient and I just can't help wanting to say "You idiot, you did this to yourself!!!!!!". Other days I'd tell you I hate the doctors. Other days I'd tell you that other nurses can be total jerks. Some days I hate management and their inability to truly understand patient safety even though it's the buzz word at work right now.
But I ultimately don't dislike my job more than I'm sure most people hate theirs from time to time. We all whine from time to time.
NursesRmofun, ASN, RN
1,239 Posts
Sometimes being treated like nothing more than a maid by *some.* This is my personal belief. It is not wise to get into nursing for the glory. Not much glory....LOL...but a lot of satisfaction for doing a job well done. The satisfaction really comes from inside of yourself IMO.
652 Posts
The 'politics' and the brown nosers...blah :/