Working, school, and kids...starting prerequisites! Anyone else?!


Hi! My first post here.. I am working full time as a house manager for adults with special needs. I've been direct support for about 6 years on and off... I have a Bachelor's degree in music (full ride to study my hobby, sure...had intended to go to grad school for music therapy but kids happened instead)

SO here I am, 28 and starting my prerequisites for nursing school. I'm taking statistics and A&P II first since I took A&P I in college for fun... then next semester I will take A&P I and Microbiology and apply for the program and hopefully be sitting here a year from now getting my acceptance into the program! Then I'll have 5 semesters... 1 of classes and 4 semesters of clinicals and whatnot....

My biggest concerns:

#1 Working when I start the actual full time nursing program. I have no choice, I cant just not work. But happily my job is flexible. I only have to work 32 hours in the home and I get 8 flexible hours. For example right now I work Monday/Tuesday 3p-11pm, Wednesday 3pm-9pm and Saturday 7am-2pm....meetings and other paperwork worth 8 hours fit in wherever I can.

#2 I am MUCH stupider since I had my son and was on birth control. I have a hard time remembering things...I used to be great in school, got a 32 on my ACT and graduated with a 3.7...worried I won't be as sharp memorizing things as I used to be...

#3 Worried that I will go through all this and somehow not be good at it or hate it or something although obviously I'm fairly certain I'll really enjoy the challenge...or the only job available being LTC... i was a CNA for a year in long term care and I HATED it. Love bedside care...just that old people locked away for years make me real sad.

Anyone else juggling the trifecta of work, school, and family?

Biggest struggles? Anything easier than you thought? What's your schedule like? Favorite part about school? Least favorite? How quickly did you land a job?

OH and how many times did you have to apply if you're at a competitive school? I'm terrified of not getting in and having to wait around with my thumbs in my ass.

Thanks in advance!

Congratulations on making this first step! I understand your concerns, and I've been there too!! I applied to nursing school while raising four babies as a single mom, and I remember well how intimidating the process often could be. Best of luck!

I am a single parent, I work full time and go to school full time - taking online classes. I am currently in my 3rd semester taking my pre-reqs and will be applying for the nursing program in March 2016. I'm concerned about being able to continue working full-time while being in the actual nursing program. My job is not flexible so I don't know what I will do if I'm not able to work full time since I have bills to pay. I just hope the nursing program allows online classes, otherwise I guess I'll be moving back in with my parents.

First off mom brain is a real thing no matter what others say! Second, I am in the same boat. I had my son when I was 23 and I was slowly taking my time in school, after I had him I got more serious about it. It was very hard for me though. I had a tough time with PPD. Anyways my son is now 18 months and I am starting my ADN program in January! I felt like I would never be done, but finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel is satisfying. Even though I plan on attending NP school after, I will be happy to fin alt be an RN. I currently work as a patient care tech at a local hospital and I have good and bad days. But it has showed me what type of nursing I want to get into.

At the hospital I work at there are actually a few nurses that are new grads :) So it is possible!

Also maybe check out nurse extern and intern programs while you're in school. A lot of the nurses that I work with went through one of those to get their foot in the door.

I got my CNA back in June, and my instructor and other CNAs told me that a hospital wouldn't hire me without experience, but I decided to try and apply anyways, and all 3 hospitals I applied at called me for an interview. So apply at some hospitals if you don't want to work at LTC, but still want to see if you'll enjoy it or hate it.

Specializes in Inpatient Psychiatry.

It's totally doable, as long as you've got a family that understand that you'll be in med-mode for a few years. Fortunately, with your BM you'll have a bunch of pre-reqs taken care of, and you can focus on science credits.

I'm in my last pre-req semester, and I'm starting co-reqs in the spring while applying for my program. Just chisel away at the anatomy, and take at least one day away from all academics to spend with your family (Sunday is our "family date day").

Specializes in Med-surg, home care.

I am married with 3 kids ages 5, 6, and 11. I have previous BS degree and have worked full time in my current occupation for a little over 10 years. I started taking prerequisites online nearly 3 years ago (will be going on campus to take finally prereq on weekend hopefully next semester) and it hasn't been easy. First time I got my degree I wasn't married and I had no kids yet and it was still hard. There have been times where I have had to stay up late to do homework assignments/labs only to get up a few hours later to get kids ready for school and then go to work myself, then come home to help with homework, cook dinner, and then once kids off to bed, go back to student mode. I thank God for online classes but the person that said they are easier than brick and mortar have not taken an online course, let alone a science one but I do it because it is the only option for me right now. On more than one instance I have asked myself why I have chosen to torture myself like this! If I am accepted into nursing school, I would have to quit my job which means my household income would decrease by nearly 1/3 which is significant. At this time I am trying to save money and pay off some debt so we can be prepared for the time i am a full time student again. I look forward to nursing school and getting started in healthcare but I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried about not working possibly for a couple of years and whether or not the sacrifice I am making now will be worth it. Came this far though so God willing I will make it!

Thank you all so much for your replies. But now I'm REALLY scared! I literally have to work...even in the nursing program, and I've heard a couple of ya saying you are planning on I said I can't. My hours can be extremely flexible though... has anyone else worked during an actual BSN nursing program? Is it possible?

I don't work, but I am going to school full time and I have three kids. I just wanted to say, I have been a stay-at-home parent for 7 years, and I felt like my brain had turned into mush. I literally got headaches for the first few weeks of school, but it got easier and I felt like some brain cells were coming back. I took 15 credits this semester and have a 4.0 as of now.

I'm going to start pre-reqs in January, my wife has a baby due in the spring and I'll be applying for the program in Fall if it all works out. I work around 48/hrs a week, and I can't quit. So far we're on a predictable schedule, so that's good. I'm 27. Hang in there.

I'm almost done with my ADN program and have worked throughout at a job that requires about 50 hours a week and a lot of traveling.

It's been very difficult, but your school(s) should be able to tell you how much time spent studying for each semester. For my program, it started off with 10-15 the first semester to now they suggest about 40 hours (because you are studying new material and prepping for the nclex).

many, if not most, of my class has either quit their jobs, reduced hours, or took a job with a different schedule/less hours by this point in the program. I don't have that luxury, and doesn't sound like you will either. I will say, you can lessen your bills and possibly that will change your situation. Cut cable, get a cheaper car, etc etc.

get used to the fact that you can do it, but you will be doing less sleeping, your lunch breaks will be alone while you get that extra 30-60 minutes to study, and do everything you can now to save up money in case it turns out you do have to quit.

We are all in the same boat!

I'm a mom of 3 kids and I decided to go back to school. I have a previous degree in dentistry but now I'm going to school to become a nurse. I have one semester left before applying to 2 nursing schools in Texas. I worked part-time, I really don't have to, but my husband and I decided it was better if I focused on my classes, and getting good grades. He is more strict that my parents were! I have to get good grades!

I think he cares because most likely it will help me in the future, to establish a study routine and better studying habits.

I have a great support system from my husband and my kids(they're young but they understand), they know mommy has to study most of the time during the week and sometimes weekends as well. I'm still able to take care of them, cook, clean, take them to their activities and volunteer at their schools.

Honestly, being a mom and being more mature has made a difference in my life. They are my support and my strength, I don't think I could do it without them. They cheer along the sidelines and they can see the sacrifice we all make for our future.

Hang in there! It will get better, have a plan for your future and set the pace of your steps towards your goals. Be gentle with yourself and get some rest.

I am worried out of my mind. I have a bachelor's degree in criminal justice and work inpatient as a counselor in a hospital. I just register a few week's ago with the CC down the road from me, took them awhile to get back, all set to register to find out A&P1 is filled. Kind of heart broken as I only need both A&Ps to get into the program at the CC with application deadline every January.

Anywho maybe a sign to look into the bachelor's program.

I worry I'll be too old being 28 in the program will I receive aid for the program.

Frustrates me where people tell me you can't work during nursing school give up work. Don't realize how I still need to work. Fiancé and I plan to marry after she finishes LPN school next year. She wants to start having kids I am looking at having kids while I am in nursing school freaks me out.

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