Working as a CNA and my own hospital won't hire me as new RN
Dear Nurse Beth Advice Column - The following letter submitted anonymously in search for answers. Join the conversation!
Hi Nurse Beth
So I'm currently a CNA at a hospital. During nursing school my classmates asked me what's it like and where do I work. After school ended, a few applied to be nurses on my floor and have already received offer letters and orientation spots.
I have filled out an internal job app couple months before school ended, I tried calling texting and emailed my boss about wanting to work as a RN on my current floor and I haven't received any communication back.
Im feeling a bit angry as they have no xp or any history with this hospital and they're ahead of me in terms of onboarding.
What should I do? I have half a mind to resign and finish my last 30 days as a CNA at a different hospital.
Updated: Published
Hi Nurse Beth
So I'm currently a CNA at a hospital. During nursing school my classmates asked me what's it like and where do I work. After school ended, a few applied to be nurses on my floor and have already received offer letters and orientation spots.
I have filled out an internal job app couple months before school ended, I tried calling texting and emailed my boss about wanting to work as a RN on my current floor and I haven't received any communication back.
Im feeling a bit angry as they have no xp or any history with this hospital and they're ahead of me in terms of onboarding.
What should I do? I have half a mind to resign and finish my last 30 days as a CNA at a different hospital.
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