Published Sep 21, 2007
17 Posts
OMG! I did cried a lot when I found out I failed just seeing that big envelope from my mailbox make me want to melt,this is my first time to take the NCLEX RN exam and I don't know how to start again, should I look for a job not related in my field while reviewing for the exam again or just focus n reviewing? Pls. help, ...
28 Posts
I am nowhere near taking my exam however I work as an aide in a hospital and some of my fellow coworkers who were aids to the exam this summer. Some passed others didnt. The ones that failed are continuing to work as Aides per diem and or only 24 hours. They are reviewing as well as taking advantage of asking the RNs help. I am sure you will do fine on the next one.
210 Posts
check out new revised first tip of suzanne's plan im using it as well as others i will be taking it a 3x in oct. dont feel down i know how you feel take some time for yourself and get back up. you have to believe you can overcome this and it will all come into play. have faith and know god does things for reasons we don't know why but always remember he has our best interest at heart. keep your head up and stay positive you can overcome this do not let the devil win.
132 Posts
I have to agree w/ Matilda50. We are re-takers too and we cried too BUT we took some time to ourselves and refocused. I am also doing Suzannes plan and will go in confident. Its ok to cry and feel down. We have not failed until we give up. Life is full of disappointments because we want things to go as we have planned them, that is just not the case all the time. You are not the 1st or last. Take some time and read some of the posts on this site. Many have failed and come back later... and passed. Refocus and use us for support. We have to be here for each other cause no one understands like someone else going thru the exact same thing. You are gonna be fine.
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Sorry to hear you failed. Hang in there and as suggested try Suzanne's plan but first I would say just take a couple of days to recoup and get your head together. Good luck
20 Posts
also failed my first attempt for my nclex exam...i felt so down and dissapointed knowing all my friends and classmates with whom i exam with passed....we all get our results at the same day they were all so happy and i felt the world turns upside down...but hey!!! all this incidents has a purpose...never give up and keep ur focus that we will pass this and pray harder...cheer up!!! I will take my 2nd attempt this november...hope i can pass this time!:)
155 Posts
Yeah, it may take awhile to regenerate and get all of your feelings together, then ultimately you will get more fight in you to do better!
Stay positive even though it may be hard to do at times..and when you get tired from studying...take a break. I know because I failed the first try too in aug. and it took me about a week and a half to truly get out of the funk that I was in. My 2nd retake day has been set in oct when I should feel ready.
Good luck!
ktwlpn, LPN
3,844 Posts
147 Posts
Hang in there, it will happen. There is a nurse where I work that took NCLEX three times before she passed. She's a fine nurse. It's just impossible to be completely prepared, they can throw any question at you. Keep plugging on and you'll do great!
173 Posts
i also failed my first exam last august. now i'm preparing to give it another try. i'm doing Suzanne's plan, plus i also plan to review at Kaplan. i have plans too of working as a nurse tech per diem. i'm thinkin' that maybe it will be hard to work & review at the same time but i want to try since the advantage of working in the same field will give me an exposure to the hospital environment here. i think it will be helpful for me since i'm an international graduate.
don't give up! we're on the same boat. i also cried, felt disappointed & upset. but you have to move on. remember that we are gonna be future RN's coz we deserve to be one. just take your time & focus on reviewing. be positive! and ofcourse, pray hard! Goodluck & Godbless to us! :)
169 Posts
I Found Out Today That I Failed! I Am Really So Upset, Thinking I Did Tried All My Best.but Like Any Battle, I Have To Stand Up And Life Has To Go On.another Try.
i also failed my first exam last august. now i'm preparing to give it another try. i'm doing Suzanne's plan, plus i also plan to review at Kaplan. i have plans too of working as a nurse tech per diem. i'm thinkin' that maybe it will be hard to work & review at the same time but i want to try since the advantage of working in the same field will give me an exposure to the hospital environment here. i think it will be helpful for me since i'm an international graduate. don't give up! we're on the same boat. i also cried, felt disappointed & upset. but you have to move on. remember that we are gonna be future RN's coz we deserve to be one. just take your time & focus on reviewing. be positive! and ofcourse, pray hard! Goodluck & Godbless to us! :)