Published Apr 9, 2006
727 Posts
I dont have Microsoft Office on my computer,I have to write and essay And i need a word processor. I tried to find a place that only sells Word itself but i dont think that thats possible, I dont need all the other stuff that comes with office and i just cant afford to buy it anyway right now. Are there any other types of word processors for the computer. What are yinz using ,any suggestions for me pleeez!
229 Posts
There is also Corel wordperfect. Also, you should try finding a free trial for microsoft, i don't know where you get them from but i know they are out there. If you know anybody that has one, ask them if you can download it on your PC.
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,277 Posts
I would say go ahead and invest in Microsoft Office for Students and Educators. It's only $150 (approx) and you will eventually need Power Point and some of the other programs (Excel) too. Its a good investment.
Trauma thats what i thought to but i wasn't sure if i would ever use Excel or anything other than word, if i have to i am gonna just have to do as you suggested.
CaprBri have you used COrel wordperfect someone else suggested that so i may look into that also i know those free trails are out there but i cannot fine them either, I downloaded that test drive off of but it wouldn't let me do anything but type no printing or anything else
thanks guys
I used Corel when I was in high school for my computer class and didn't have any problems with it. I got a free microsoft trial when I got my new laptop. I have the Microsoft office now but I can honestly say that I have never used anything on it besides Word. If you got the money to then buy it, if not I would suggest seeing if places like circuit city or best buy has it.
Daytonite, BSN, RN
1 Article; 14,604 Posts
You should talk to the people at the computer science lab at your college. They are often able to get software for students at very discounted prices. I'm talking about really, really cheap. They might even be able to burn you a disc with Word on it.
14,633 Posts
I assume you have a PC with some version of Windows as your basic operating system? You can use the WordPad word processing program that comes built in to Windows -- it's on the "Accessories" drop-down menu. I don't have MS Office OR Word (have never felt the need to spend the money to get them), and have always done all my word processing -- up to and including my Master's thesis! -- on WordPad. It doesn't have quite as many bells and whistles as Word or WordPerfect, but it does have the advantage of being FREE.
Am I really the only person in America using WordPad?? :chuckle
Marie_LPN, RN, LPN, RN
12,126 Posts
WordPad works good for typing (especially for those that don't have the only $150 to invest in Office right now). You can usually find a website that'll do the spelling and grammar checks that you'll need, and this works well.
Am I really the only person in America using WordPad??
No, i used it in LPN school because buying Office would have meant no food for 3 months.
Thanks everyone, I actually went to and downlloaded wordperfect free 30 day trail and it is unrestricted so i can use all the features. Also i have been using wordpad forever and for the longest time i didnt know that it wasnt WORD, untill my English professor explained it to me
Fun2, BSN, RN
5,586 Posts
Make sure that you can use the 'other' word processors.
If you have to e-mail the paper, or upload it to send to the professor, make sure your professor can open the document.
Obviously, if you are turning in a printed document, it shouldn't matter.
(If the professor has to open it, you may need to use a school's computer...maybe at your school library).
Try to save things in "rich text format" (RTF).