Published Jul 27, 2016
2 Posts
I am currently in my last year of nursing and on my 6 week placement. Freaking out about graduating as I feel incredibly low in confidence. I was wondering if all you lovely nurses out there are willing to answer all the absolutely silly basic questions I have but am too scared to ask my nurses in real life?
Mostly these are questions to do with the ins and outs of hospital wards. The kind of things you don't learn at University
Sun0408, ASN, RN
1,761 Posts
Hospital policy vary greatly from hospital to hospital. For the safety of your pts and the care you render, you need to get over your fear and ask your preceptor!!! The charge nurse and nurse manager is also good options. Never be too scared to ask
Asystole RN
2,352 Posts
Ask you questions, just take the answers with a grain of salt and know that things differ from facility to facility.
ItsThatJenGirl, CNA
1,978 Posts
Oh don't be afraid to ask questions!
3,413 Posts
Because everyone knows it is more important to appear as if you understand than to actually understand...right? (A quote I found on the Internet, by David Ressler.)
Many of your co-workers will love to teach. It is a real ego boost when someone comes up to you and ask if you can explain such and such. Obviously you think they are smart!
Maybe sometimes try to puzzle out the answer yourself for 30 minutes or so, (as long as it is not a matter of life and death), but then ASK!
Buyer beware, BSN
1,139 Posts
Usually we will if it is evident that we're not doing your homework and you did due diligence and at least tried in earnest to find the answers. Show us your work or critical thinking and we will be happy to offer suggestions.
Show us your work or critical thinking and we will be happy to offer suggestions.
OP :Your question is cleaver and artfully composed to exact as much vital information from the rank and file as possible. Considering you are as wily as I think you are, your questions will have to be just as, shall I say, creativly posed. So go for it.
And no "how do I find the BR on my first job" stuff for that would be same old, same old and oh so trite. By the way, it's usually down the hall to the left.
MA Nurse
676 Posts
You would be considered unsafe if you didn't ask questions! No question is dumb.
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
Moved to the Nursing Student Assistance forum.
roser13, ASN, RN
6,504 Posts
What country are you practicing in?