I don't get it. I really don't.
I have had multiple lies told about me since becoming a nurse two years ago. The latest is just so ridiculous!
I am now in informatics. I was hired back at a place that fired me.
I'm working on something for the pharmacy. I walk over to my old unit to see where they installed our Pyxis-clone. Say hi. Leave.
Get an email from my boss. "Sue, I was told that you were in the clean utility room. I know you well enough to know that you had a good reason to be there, but stay away from them."
Well, she believed me flat out when I said that I hadn't been in there and what I was doing, although what the problem would be anyway I don't know. I am licensed and the facility has me down as an LPN.
What is up with these idiots? Do they ever let anything go?!
I really don't get it. What were they trying to accomplish?