Why is it everyone I know wants to talk me out of nursing???


I first decided to become a nurse about 2 and a half years ago. After losing my first daughter to Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type I (after constant time in and out of hospitals), I grew such an admiration for the nurses that helped us. I didn't like my job (nor do I still - I have only 19 days left!). I have always loved taking care of people, I'm good at math & science, and was trying to figure out what to do "with my life."

To make sure this was really want I wanted, I spent eight months volunteering every weekend at a nearby NICU. I fell in love with it, looking forward to it every week. It really was the highlight of my week.

I started taking pre-reqs so I could apply for a nearby accelerated BSN program. I loved those as well. A & P I/II and Microbiology fascinated me. I then got accepted to the program, and I start in January.

I swear, everyone I know is telling me this isn't for me. Even those who know my whole story. "Nurses work horrible hours"... "Nurses are overworked and underpaid"... "You're going to burn out in a couple of years, and then what?"... "My (sister) (aunt) (mom) (friend) is a nurse and is miserable"... " "I have a (fill-in-the-blank) in nursing school that is sooo stressed, are you sure you can handle that now that you have a toddler?"

Keep in mind none of the people making these statements ARE nurses. I just never imagined this. I know this is what I want, I volunteered for so long and spoke with the nurses at length about what to expect... Why can't people be happy for me?

Sorry, I'm just venting... I'm so frustrated and am tired of feeling like I have to convince people that I'm not an idiot.

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

I could give a rip what people that have no first hand knowledge about something say. You will have enough on your plate with school, work and being a Mom to dwell on negative people imo. Good luck and fwiw I love being a nurse and if I burn out...well duh, I'll find another career. :)

You know you could probably say all of the above about most jobs. ;) I ditto, that unless someone has first hand knowledge, they really have no idea. Talk to someone that has the passion. They will be honest about the good points and bad. Sounds like you will make a good nurse.

Specializes in SNU/SNF/MedSurg, SPCU Ortho/Neuro/Spine.

some people say so much cr*p about nursing school, how it is so hard, and not doable... i wonder what do they thing about Med school? or some other related, maybe histology???

c'mon, if it was not doable there wouldnt be nurses, and the pay would be AWESOME...

it is hard, but doable!!! i went through all my pre-reqs working full time and going to school full time! and want to try to keep it this way (no financial aid here sorry***)

Specializes in Med/Surg.

Please don't listen to these silly people. :nono:

It sounds like you know exactly what you want and have done the preparation to get there. Move forward and pursue your dream! :heartbeat

I first decided to become a nurse about 2 and a half years ago. After losing my first daughter to Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type I (after constant time in and out of hospitals), I grew such an admiration for the nurses that helped us. I didn't like my job (nor do I still - I have only 19 days left!). I have always loved taking care of people, I'm good at math & science, and was trying to figure out what to do "with my life."

To make sure this was really want I wanted, I spent eight months volunteering every weekend at a nearby NICU. I fell in love with it, looking forward to it every week. It really was the highlight of my week.

I started taking pre-reqs so I could apply for a nearby accelerated BSN program. I loved those as well. A & P I/II and Microbiology fascinated me. I then got accepted to the program, and I start in January.

I swear, everyone I know is telling me this isn't for me. Even those who know my whole story. "Nurses work horrible hours"... "Nurses are overworked and underpaid"... "You're going to burn out in a couple of years, and then what?"... "My (sister) (aunt) (mom) (friend) is a nurse and is miserable"... " "I have a (fill-in-the-blank) in nursing school that is sooo stressed, are you sure you can handle that now that you have a toddler?"

Keep in mind none of the people making these statements ARE nurses. I just never imagined this. I know this is what I want, I volunteered for so long and spoke with the nurses at length about what to expect... Why can't people be happy for me?

Sorry, I'm just venting... I'm so frustrated and am tired of feeling like I have to convince people that I'm not an idiot.

I'm a mom of a toddler, who I love love love, and plan on having another one before I start nursing school in a year and a half--so my child will be about 3-4 mos old. I have to get a degree (I have a B.A. History) that will ACTUALLY get me a good paying job for my kid (s). I love my pre-reqs (just like you), I love school and I love the challenge. When I was in my first semester of my senior year in undergrad school I took 19 hours, 6 hours at the 500 (graduate) level both of which required 35+ theses, 9 hours of honors coursework, 4 hours of regular coursework, and worked part-time. I got As in every class. People told me "that's too hard...why do you want to stress yourself like that." I always say "because I know I can handle it, I enjoy a challenge, and I like to push myself to achieve things." Be proud of yourself, get excited about it and push those nay-sayers aside. They haven't any clue what they are talking about.:bugeyes:

some people say so much cr*p about nursing school, how it is so hard, and not doable... i wonder what do they thing about Med school? or some other related, maybe histology???

c'mon, if it was not doable there wouldnt be nurses, and the pay would be AWESOME...

it is hard, but doable!!! i went through all my pre-reqs working full time and going to school full time! and want to try to keep it this way (no financial aid here sorry***)

I totally agree. During the first week of class the instructor asked for a bio on all of us....do we work, do we have family etc. She commented that she had concern about me working full time. Concern enough to pay my way thru school and my bills? ;) Anything is doable if you have the passion. I won't be the first to succeed while working full time and I won't be the last. :D

Specializes in tele, oncology.

My whole opinion on this subject is that yeah, sometimes nursing sucks, but all jobs do. Personally, I have thought those exact same things about the hours, burnout, etc. about school bus drivers and teachers. Thank God there's someone who wants those jobs, b/c I sure as heck couldn't do them! Different strokes for different folks and all that.

It sounds like you've found a career path which you truly believe you can follow with passion. Don't worry about the naysayers, as you progress and they see how happy you are they'll be proven wrong. Just tell them "I've thought long and hard about this decision, and if you can't support me in it, then please don't bring it up. I understand you are concerned because you care about me, and I appreciate it, but this is my choice to make."

Next thing you know, they'll be calling you with questions about whether or not they have a broken wrist after falling or if it sounds like Grandma Jane is having a heart attack. Just try to not say "Bet you're glad I decided to become a nurse now, huh?"

If you know this is what you want to do and it sounds like you do then I would ignore them. As for the overworked and underpaid bit well I don't know what line of work these naysayers are in but for the record there are plenty of us out here now working long hours for a lot less than nurses! If I can have the privilege of doing something engaging where I can make a difference in the lives of others and get paid a decent wage for it - that sounds good to me.

Really, I've learned to take OTHER people's experiences with a grain of salt.

I'm in my last year of nursing school, and I would hear from the ones who already graduated how hard a certain test/course was and blah, blah, blah.

I would "freak out" and stress out, study my butt off, and when I get to the actual test, I would be so "wired up" I couldnt think straight. Then once I relaxed, I could actually read the questions and the test wasnt "all that bad".

I just don't listen to other's experiences regarding school/nursing anymore. I need to create my own experience and what may be easy/hard to others may not be the same for you.

I just try to stay clear of people who always have a negative outlook on things. Look at the glass being half full instead of half empty.

I hope this works. Good luck to you!

We all know nursing school isn't easy and being a nurse isn't for everyone. But if you think it is for you, then just keep going for it.

I start nursing school in January and believe me, when I decided that this was what I was finally going to do, some people thought I was crazy. They couldn't believe that at my age, I would want to do something so challenging. I turned 55 in October. I have always wanted to be a nurse, and in 2007 I started taking the prereqs so that I could get into nursing school. I loved A & P and I am in Micro this semester and love it too. I was accepted into our community college's ASN program and I can't wait!!

Good luck.

Specializes in 2 years as CNA.

Wow, I am so sorry to hear you are getting negative feedback. I have found the opposite to be true. I hear how wonderful nursing is, how much money I will make, how I get to work just 3 days a week, etc. The people that I talk to think that NS is a piece of cake! I have to remind everyone how competitive NS is and how much hard work and dedication it takes. Nursing is not for every joe blow, but it sounds like you have got it!

I am sure you are just venting and know to just brush the comments off. I just wanted to say that I am proud of you...volunteering in NICU for that long, that is awesome. I am glad there are people out there that get into NS with their eyes open and have the chance to make a real difference while living their dream.

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