Who's waiting for their letter from Jeff State ???

U.S.A. Alabama


OK....the wait is killing me:uhoh3: So I thought I would start a thread to see just how many people are waiting like me. If you have heard anything like when we might hear something let us know.

Specializes in Trauma, Pain Managaement.

I'm waiting for a letter to. And also extremely nervous because I left a psych program for nursing. I'm going to keep trying no matter what, but I'm getting married I. August, and my future husband and I need to be getting decent money ASAP, so the sooner I get in, the better. And I feel just awful that it took me this long to figure out that the psych wasn't for me! I could have been doing something productive!

I'm going to see an advisor at UAB about getting in there as well- but their program has so many more requirements, and takes so much longer! But at this point, I'm willing to do whatever it takes!


Thank You So much for the insight on the part time program at Jeff State. For some reason, no one who is in it seems to comment and Some of us who are trying to get in really want to know what we could be facing. Why do you think that ya'll lost 1/2 the students in the first 3 semesters? I assume they do not replace those students with more applicants...is that correct?? If you do not mind answering, how many points did you have when you got in?

I hope this semester is a turn around for you guys too!!!

Again, thanks a million and Best of luck to you!!!

I am waiting on tenterhooks to see if I got in!!!

yes, I am stressed about it all! I want in BAD because it's kind of do it now or never for me. I am also stressed because I do not have a plan b if I do not get into the part-time night program. I CANNOT quit work, it is absolutely not a option finance wise! Not to mention I do not qualify for any federal financial aid, ie even loans, at Jeff State because I already have a bachelors degree...yea, just found that one out. The government will not lend money for anyone with a 4 year degree to get a associates degree...only a masters or doctorate.

Yes, I have all the pre-reqs, psychs etc. All I need is the nursing classes and clinicals!

now that I just blabbed, How about you??

I understand completely. I am in the same boat. I work full-time, have a family, and already have a bachelors degree. I am currently taking Microbiology this summer and once I get into the program all i'll have are the nursing classes to focus on. The waiting is driving me nuts:banghead: but it will be all worth it in the end.


we lost students for various reasons. some quit for personal reasons, some quit because they weren't doing well in the class, some failed the class, some didn't pass a "must pass or your out" test. i know that the part time class that just graduated in may started off with 40 and their graduating class was 17. so, i think its just that they weed out the weak and only the very determined make it. they allow students who have previously failed a certain course to come back into the program after a year. so, for example, we have some new students in our class that had previously failed 105 and had to wait until it was offered again (usually a year later) to retry to pass it. honestly, i don't remember how many points i had, but i had everything already taken except my nursing courses and had all a's and a 99 on my compass test. i think the magic number is around 180 though.

Again..THANK YOU SO MUCH for your comments. That all makes me feel a little better. I have exactly 180, 99 on compass too and no more classes to take except the nursing classes. So, yes, I hope that is the magic number as well!!

Again..THANK YOU SO MUCH for your comments. That all makes me feel a little better. I have exactly 180, 99 on compass too and no more classes to take except the nursing classes. So, yes, I hope that is the magic number as well!!

Don't forget that your GPA plays a facor as well you can have all the points needed but if your GPA sucks you will be bumped. I learned this from my 202 professor he sits on the Nursing boards for Lawson State Community College....

i started in the part-time program in the fall of 07. i just started my 3rd semester. we started with about 40 students. we are down to about 1/2 that this semester, but gained about 5 new ones that had not passed 105 previously and are having to retake it. when we started, we had students that were in their 20's, 30's, and even a 50 year old.

it's not easy at all. even though we're "part-time" everyone works full time and comes to class directly from work. we have class until 9-9:30p. we

haven't had a lot of luck with "good" teachers until this semester, so it's been very rough for us.

classes were at the main campus the first 2 semesters, but this semester we're at shelby. they don't know where we'll be until each semester gets a lot closer.

it has been chaotic and dysfunctional, but a lot of us feel that this semester might be the turn around. we'll just have to wait and see.

fyi, we didn't get our acceptance letters until about 2 weeks before classes actually started.

if you have any questions, let me know. :)

wow, just two weeks before classes start. i was told that once accepted there would be some type of orientation class to inform you of what type of supplies/equipment that will be needed for the program. do you know if thats is true or not? if that is not the case could you give us an idea as to what some the things we will be needing to aquire so we wont' have to find out at the last minute. or should we not even worry about it until the classes start. i could be getting ahead of myself here.:specs:

You don't really need to worry about it right now. There's an orientation about a week or so before classes start. They basically tell you how happy they are to have you and make you sign a bunch of forms. It's not until a few weeks into class that you'll need a stethoscope and maybe later on a pen light. You don't have any clinicals the first semester. The second semester you'll have to purchase a uniform, shoes, goggles, scissors and name tag. You'll also have to pay for a background check before clinicals start and get some vaccinations and a physical. The second semester is when you'll spend and need a lot of money!

So, I keep checking here hoping that someone will say they talked to the counsler & letters are being mailed out today. I know that's major wishful thinking as it hasn't even been 4 weeks yet. If we don't find out until July, I'm not sure I'll be able to stand it.:eek:

I had to be at the school on Tuesday for a meeting with a department head then a Dean. I stopped by the Advisors office - they werent seeing students. I did get to talk to her for a second though - because of my problem. Anyway - they were on the B's and they didnt know what the cut off was - naturally!

thanks for the input...I try so hard not to bash Jeff State because I want in there program so BAD..only way you can get a RN at night etc....

But they they kind of teach you how to feel about them by there actions. I have been leaving one vm and one email per week for someone in the Bio dept about a question I have and have YET got a call or email back and it has been a month!!!!!

I wrote a response but its not showing up. If this ends up double posted-sorry! Anyway I can't believe they've only made it through 2 letters in 3 weeks. At that rate we won't know anything until right before school starts. At least I know not to stalk the mailman yet. Thanks for the update.


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