Which was more stressful: nursing school or actually working as a RN?

Nurses General Nursing


School seemed v. stressful at the time, but it is a walk in the park compared to actual RN practice, esp. when you're first starting out (it does get better as you go :)).


Working as an RN. You're not dealing with test grades and whether or not you'll make the deans list. You're dealing with people's lives and your competency and attention to detail is pivotal in keeping your patients safe.

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.

Work is more stressful, no doubt about it. School is stressful but that is only for a 1-4 years. But you work for year & years & years. You have people's lives in your hands & have to deal with work bs.

Specializes in geriatrics.

Nursing school was easy by comparison. Stick to the formula, obtain the grades. Rinse and repeat. I am seriously contemplating a Master's.

Working is much more stressful: chronic under staffing, mandatory overtime, and workplace politics.

Specializes in PICU.

Work. Because as the RN you are responsible for everything. As a student there was at some level a little bit of accountability, however, as the RN it all comes on your license.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

I attended two rounds of nursing school (LVN program in 2005 and an LPN-to-ASN transition program in 2009).

The workforce is much easier than being a nursing student, IMHO. I don't have to worry about finances, grades, cliquish classmates, and instructors who might not favor me for whatever whimsical reason they can conjure up.

Specializes in NICU, telemetry.

Practicing as an RN for me. Yes, the studying, tests, and balancing act that is life-consuming nursing school is stressful, but it's nothing compared to actually being the one responsible for your patients and doing all of the nursing work. There's a lot more mental and physical stress being on the job, in my opinion.

Specializes in Oncology.

Actually working as an RN, but at least I get paid for that, vs having to pay for the experience.

Specializes in Nutritional Therapy, Functional Health.

Definitely working as an RN is more stressful. No doubt about that. I look back on nursing school fondly at times...

I think I found school more stressful. At the end of a work day, I go home and I get to forget all about work. But in school, I go home and there's papers and studying and care plans. It never ended.

Specializes in Pediatrics, Emergency, Trauma.

I'm on the fence; partly because I am still considered "new" in a new specialty and still new as a RN It can be stressful at times because it's new; however, I had years of LPN experience, and it was easier before because I was proficient, and it did get easier.

I do look back and sometimes enjoyed the comfort of being a nursing student; school was time consuming but doable-to be able to go home after a shift, reflect and then go on to the next shift is probably much easier than meeting a deadline for school, as well as ensuring a passing grade.

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