Published Nov 17, 2015
86 Posts
My passion is in women's health and I'm continuously looking for open positions, literally all over the country. I would go anywhere.
I am wondering if there is an area within the field where I will have contact with the least amount of men (labor and delivery, postpartum, NICU). Or if I should stop applying to hospital positions and only look for gynecology offices, women's health clinics, etc.
klone, MSN, RN
14,857 Posts
Do you mean men in general, or male patients? Certainly anything women's health/OB will preclude taking care of adult males. There will always be men, though - physicians, lab techs, husbands/partners of patients, infant boys.
What is your concern about men?
Do you mean men in general, or male patients? Certainly anything women's health/OB will preclude taking care of adult males. There will always be men, though - physicians, lab techs, husbands/partners of patients, infant boys.What is your concern about men?
I definitely don't want men as patients, which is one reason I want to be in women's health. Infants and children are completely fine. Just not adults. I understand I may have to work with male physicians and other employees, but in a perfect world I would only work in an environment of women. I don't want to be around husbands/partners if I don't have to be.
I feel much more comfortable around women.
1,656 Posts
I definitely don't want men as patients, which is one reason I want to be in women's health. Infants and children are completely fine. Just not adults. I understand I may have to work with male physicians and other employees, but in a perfect world I would only work in an environment of women. I don't want to be around husbands/partners if I don't have to be. I feel much more comfortable around women.
I don't know what nursing job exists where you would have only female patients, and also not have to be around their husbands and partners.
4,161 Posts
Come work with me if you don't want to interact with men. I am the only male staff nurse out of 300 nurses. There are only 2-3 male RT techs and rare occasion, on night shift, see male doctors and parents are usually gone by 10 pm.
219 Posts
GYN office?
JustBeachyNurse, LPN
13,957 Posts
What about spouses/significant others that accompany? OP wants only women, infants & children. Perhaps overseas in the Middle East, don't they still have separate facilities for men & everyone else?
mindofmidwifery, ADN
1,419 Posts
I believe the men still go with the women to their appointments
993 Posts
Work from home... Unless you have a husband or male children...
We still see a LOT of partners/husbands.
Rose_Queen, BSN, MSN, RN
6 Articles; 11,976 Posts
The thing about nursing is that it isn't about your comfort; it's about the patient. If you find yourself uncomfortable around men, then perhaps that needs to be addressed. It is going to be impossible to completely avoid any men in any nursing field- they will be your coworkers, visitors, partners, spouses, and support people for your patients. Perhaps some self-reflection on why men make you uncomfortable is in order.
Believe me, I get the whole discomfort around men thing. I survived sexual abuse as a child. But I've dealt with (most of) my issues and have no issues with working with men (all 3 of my cardiac surgeons are men, several of the cardiac surgery team members are men).
220 Posts
I really don't mean this in a sarcastic way at all but I think you may benefit from counceling to root out issues that you are having with the opposite sex because it is nearly impossible to avoid them.
There may be something in your past that causes anxiety around men but best to try and get some help for these issues because I really don't see any other way around this one.