When Will I Know?!?!?

Nursing Students General Students


Okay I am expecting an acceptance/rejection letter anytime now and i am sooooo antsy. What i would like to know is, is there a certain type of envelope an acceptance letter comes in and a certain one a rejection letter comes in? I dont want to expect to get accepted and then open up and read the letter and actually read that i was rejected. So can anybody out there shed some light on this matter?

I remember my letter arriving one week before the orientation. So when you do get it.... pay special attention to dates and times.

i agree, this is a silly thread, but it serves a need to vent and validate feelings; you will certainly need to be able to do that somewhere as your life as a nurse progresses, and it will probably be here.

as to my experience, my skinny letter, in a regular-sized business envelope with obviously only one sheet inside, arrived in early july, so i threw it in the pile of bills and opened it about a week later. "we are pleased to inform you..." leapt off the page at me.

moral of the story: do not fixate on mere form. always, always look more closely at function. this will apply to far more than you can now imagine in your future. later on you can thank me. :twocents:

Specializes in Medicine.

Haha GrnTea I had the exact same experience. Super thin envelope with 1 or 2 pages inside.. but it was an acceptance :)

When I got my rejection letter in December it was a small envelope with one page letting me know what requirements i didnt meet. Then I applied again and got my acceptance letter in March and it was same envelope but 4pages letting me know the orientations days and times; shots i need to have completed and my school has a page where you accept or deny the classes you got selected for(Who would really check no) and a page I had to turn in with my $100 seat reservation. Im still excited I read it from time to time:)...but I wish u the best.

My daughter's letter from the University had a bulleted list and the third bullet was: The School of Nursing. We couldn't figure out if she was accepted or not. We thought maybe she was accepted into Pre-Nursing. I actually called the admissions office to be sure. She was accepted into the BSN program right out of high school! We couldn't believe it.

Two sheets of paper in a letter size envelope.

I cried because I was so happy, she cried because it wasn't her first choice.

Now she wouldn't change where she's going for the world!

Let us know if you get in FINGERSCROSSED.


Specializes in pediatrics, geriatric, developmentally d.

IM IN!!!!!!!! AAaahhhh got my letter today it was in a Manila envelope wit a stack of papers, super thick so I had a feeling but my heart was still racing. First word was congratulations and I was sooooo happy!! Thanks everyone for the responses and support! I'll be on cloud 9 for awhile =]

Congrats :) so happy now u can stop stressing and relax until nursing school starts!

Specializes in Forensic Psych.
IM IN!!!!!!!! AAaahhhh got my letter today it was in a Manila envelope wit a stack of papers, super thick so I had a feeling but my heart was still racing. First word was congratulations and I was sooooo happy!! Thanks everyone for the responses and support! I'll be on cloud 9 for awhile =]

It wasn't green? What a let down. :(

CONGRATS! The answer to "When will I know" was May 22!

IM IN!!!!!!!! AAaahhhh got my letter today it was in a Manila envelope wit a stack of papers, super thick so I had a feeling but my heart was still racing. First word was congratulations and I was sooooo happy!! Thanks everyone for the responses and support! I'll be on cloud 9 for awhile =]

WAIT JUST A MINUTE!! Your mail (acceptance letter) must have come before 3:30 PM and you waited until 12:59 AM to post on AllNurses???

Specializes in pediatrics, geriatric, developmentally d.

haha no stephalump it wasnt green lol and cathylady i was not home all day and when i got home i seen the mail opened it and went to my moms to inform her and my sisters so we were talking about the future and what was in store for me what my plans were so we lost track of time and what not then i remembered an!! so i decided to update everyone like i said so yes lol i waited until 12:59am (or whatever time it was ) to post

Specializes in ED.

Today is my schools deadline.. And I am refraining from calling to double check that my application IS complete. I've already been told it Is.. But I just can't help myself!! I'm beyond nervous. I'm scared they're sitting there, putting checks by peoples names each time they call :| yeah.. I won't call. The wait is terrible!

Specializes in pediatrics, geriatric, developmentally d.

haha i know EXACTLY what you mean even though i told myself not to i ended up doing it just to make sure that someone i got the first did not miss something so ill be lucky if i get a different person. Im sure i had about 10-15 checks by my name then, hey to each their own! Good luck! im hoping you get in the school of your choice. If not the first then at least the 2nd or 3rd.

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