When nurses have bad dreams

Nurses Humor


You have got to hear the dream I had a few weeks ago.

I've worked 10 years in medical nursing. It's the night before I start my new job in Interventional Radiology. Before I wake up, I have this awful dream. I'm at work. taking care of this huge lady. must be 9 feet tall. in her 70's. almost blind, nearly deaf, dementia, strong, trying to get to the bathroom. pulled out her foley, iv on the floor. trying also to get her casts off both of her knees. urineand blood everywhere. oh lord help me.

Music comes on. Time to start my new job.:roll :roll :roll

I've noticed that I nearly always dream "work-related stuff" the night before I go back after a weekend or break. Not always bad, though i do have the old "wake up in a sweat trying to remember if I'd really ..."

Once created a lovely patient with an interesting and believable history who I still almost believed in the next day at work... LOL

I had one a few years ago...There was a pile of charts under the nurse's desk that was on fire. I tried calling for help, nobody came. Then as I was running down the hallway, looking for the fire extinguisher (which had disappeared) there was a big monster chasing me. I later quit that job under alot of stress. I think my dream was trying to tell me something.

:rotfl: :rotfl:

Laughing so.......hard my cats went and hid.....Charge to 360....gasp, gasppppp

Now I have gone in and told my NM that I should get OT because I "worked" all night.... She hasn`t bought it....yet.....:p

once dreamed l woke up on a gureny in the hallway of the ER where l work and everybody was just going on with their buisness around me....l thought l had fallen asleep on my previous shift and awoke in the middle of the next one....the only one who noticed me???.of course, was the NM ...staring me down.....coincidentally????...my relationship..(tenuous to start with), deteriorated with her shortly after l had this dream...hmmmm.....LR

Specializes in Everything but psych!.

The only dream I can remember is when I worked in L&D. It had been a very busy night. I dreamed I was going from room to room, and another baby was popping. The hard thing was going back into the hall to get help. The hallway was full of people, so I never was able to find my way back to the rooms. Hmmm. Wonder what happened to the babies?

Hardly remember any dreams,,,, guess cause when I do go to sleep I sleep so hard,,,,,,

One morning though,,, I was dreaming I was at work there was a call bell going off,,, I went from room to room,,,, looking Could not find anyone who did it,,,,,

Woke up to the alarm clock,,,, the beeping was it~~ not a call light,,,,,

omg,,,,, ~~~kitamoon

had a dream the other night ...dreamt that i was working with the two nurses from 'down under' (and i DONT mean Australia)..

all of there patients where dying so much so that they were piled up in the hallways and i was trying to code everyone and i couldnt get to the nurses desk to get the good nurse to help me and he couldnt hear me yelling cuz he was on the phone with the docs and too busy taking off orders...(my family wondered why i was calling out some strange guys name in my sleep) :rolleyes:

Specializes in Pediatric Rehabilitation.

I can't believe i'm going to admit this...

Hubby woke me up one night...torn between panic and excitement...

I was dreaming I was cathing a patient...

His response, "damn, and I thought just once YOU were waking ME for sex!".

Specializes in ICU, nutrition.

The other night I dreamed that I had patients at opposite ends of the unit, and one of them kept me so busy that I forgot to check on the other one all night. Didn't even assess him! lol

One of my most memorable dreams...

..first job after graduation.... dreamed I was passing my meds IN THE BUFF!

I once had a dream that one of mypatients was actually an orangutang instead of a baby and I was dreading telling the parents about it. I was afraid that they would say that I lost the babe and replaced it with a monkey..

I HATE when I wake at 4 AM and realize that the patient I had last night had a left AV fistula but no red arm band. Went to work the next morning (dragging my butt after being up since 4 AM when I didn't get home until almost 1 AM) and darn, he didn't have a red band. I must have noticed it and not realized I noticed it then when I went to sleep it came out in my dream. I can't afford to dream about work, it ruins my beatuy sleep (and I need all of it I can get).

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