Published Jul 11, 2014
47 Posts
The question about what constitutes an abortifacient came to light with the latest Hobby Lobby SCOTUS decision. An abortifacient is a drug or device which terminates a human life after it has already begun. What do you think? Is this true?
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,268 Posts
Is this for a school assignment?
classicdame, MSN, EdD
7,255 Posts
life begins with conception. The rest is just numbers.
pmabraham, BSN, RN
1 Article; 2,567 Posts
Good day, cncyana:
Scientific Fact: Human Life Begins at Conception, or Fertilization |
Thank you.
nurseprnRN, BSN, RN
1 Article; 5,116 Posts
^^ Opinion, opinion, opinion.
It's important to remember that up until the late 19th century the Roman Catholic Church's official doctrine (opinion) was that there was no "life" until "quickening," the time when the pregnant woman felt movement in her uterus. Before that occurred, there was no problem at all with anything used for "bringing on one's cycle" by any means available. You can look it up.
The concept of "life begins at ... " is still not generally accepted, precisely because it is a matter of opinion. I don't see as it ever can be any other way. Are prions "alive"? Viruses? Bacterial mats? Why can't you believe what you believe, and you let me believe what I believe? As the bumper sticker says, "Don't like abortion? Don't have one."
MunoRN, RN
8,058 Posts
The abortifacient issue is just a strawman, what supporters of hobby lobby are arguing is that the 4 drugs they didn't want to cover were abortifacients because they believe life begins prior to the implantation of the egg in the uterus, which just extends the false claim that these 4 drugs block implantation, which is a scientifically disproved claim. If there was any evidence at all that these 4 drugs could be considered abortifacients it would have been a much different case, since the ACA specifically excludes coverage of abortifacients.
Medical Experts Agree: The Morning-After Pill Does Not Prevent Implantation. The National Institutes of Health, the Mayo Clinic, and the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics all agree that the morning-after pill does not prevent implantation, the medical beginning of pregnancy. From The Daily Beast:
NPR: Contraceptives Are Not "The Same As The Abortion Drug." As NPR reported, studies have shown that contraceptives such as the "morning-after pill" do not terminate pregnancy like RU-486, which "isn't considered a contraceptive and isn't covered by the new insurance requirements":
NY Times: Emergency Contraceptives Work To Prevent Ovulation, Not Implantation. The New York Times explained that emergency contraception works to preempt pregnancy. By delaying ovulation, Plan B stops an egg from being released for fertilization. Some emergency contraceptives may also work to thicken cervical mucus to make it more difficult for sperm to swim. Plan B does not stop implantation after fertilization has occurred. From the Times:
Good day: destroys the left's arguments about the four (4) contraceptives in question as not being abortion related.
14,633 Posts
Good day: destroys the left's arguments about the four (4) contraceptives in question as not being abortion related.Thank you.
Faux News. Big surprise. No thanks, I'll stick with the NIH and IFGO.
If you take the time to watch the short video (unless you are completely afraid of facts), the end sources include SCOTUS, the government itself, the FDA.
I'm not at all afraid of facts; I justdon't care to waste my time on Faux News.
Good day, Elkpark:
I'm told liberals are afraid of facts. If you cannot watch a short video that gives you the information about how the 4 contraceptives are abortifacts where the actual sources come from SCOTUS, the government itself including the FDA (that labels the drugs), then you are only proving the rumor that liberals are afraid of facts.
Good day, Elkpark:I'm told liberals are afraid of facts. If you cannot watch a short video that gives you the information about how the 4 contraceptives are abortifacts where the actual sources come from SCOTUS, the government itself including the FDA (that labels the drugs), then you are only proving the rumor that liberals are afraid of facts.Thank you.
Obiously, from your posts, you're "told" all kinds of weird stuff, so I'm not suprised you've been "told" that liberals "are afraid of facts." I'm not at all afraid of facts. Whether or not one or another forms of contraception are abortifacients that cause an "abortion" is a matter of opinion, not fact, because what, exactly, precisely, constitutes a pregnancy that can be "aborted" is a matter of opinion, not fact, as shown on many threads on this site. You say toMAYto, I say toMAHto ... (is there a "shrugging your shoulders" smiley?) What facts, exactly, do you consider me "afraid" of??
My fondness for facts, rather than opinions and nonsense, is precisely why I avoid Faux News.