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  1. The question about what constitutes an abortifacient came to light with the latest Hobby Lobby SCOTUS decision. An abortifacient is a drug or device which terminates a human life after it has already begun. What do you think? Is this true?
  2. No, we are to believe scientific truth, not pro-abortion fairy tales about how abortion isn't really killing anything, etc.. If you want to believe pro-abortion fairy tales, you can but, as a nation, we ought not to make laws out of your fairy tales...
  3. Poll: Voters Support Hobby Lobby Decision by 10-Point Margin 10:25 PM, Jul 2, 2014 • By JOHN MCCORMACK A new Rasmussen poll finds that 49 percent of American voters support a religious exemption to the federal government's contraception mandate, whil...
  4. Unfortunately, pro-abortion folks want what they want so badly that scientific truths don't matter - so they resort to UNscientific lies. Hobby Lobby stood for SCIENTIFIC truth.
  5. The real "tyranny" against women resides in the abortion clinic. Hobby Lobby knew this and the stand they took at SCOTUS was done so they, and most of the rest of America, can thankfully remain free from that REAL tyranny. Why should Hobby Lobby side...
  6. MunoRN said "In an effort to keep this on topic, I'll reply with this question: If there was any substantive basis or view that these drugs are abortifacient why wasn't that the basis of the case, or at least an argument put forward, since there is m...
  7. We're not supposed to say "every" and repeatedly so (it has an accusatory tone as you know, lol!). But I will say this, Hobby Lobby's stand on the morning-after pill being an abortifacient is scientifically accurate. Just because we don't agree with ...
  8. References please. Feel free to quote "the vast majority" you mention. Please keep your comments and references completely SCIENTIFIC, not guesswork or politics. Thank you in advance. Meanwhile I will provide mine: When pregnancy begins: At conceptio...
  9. Federal tax dollars ARE USED for abortions: What about other services Planned Parenthood provides besides abortion? The pie chart used by Planned Parenthood shows that in 2010, Planned Parenthood's prenatal services (services provided to women who ch...
  10. Why the hate for Christians in particular? Why not mention Muslims, Jews, and Buddhists as well? This is how PREJUDICE and bigotry starts folks. Stop justifying your own prejudices and deal with them. If atheists and agnostics don't follow the Golden...
  11. Your statement is false. Federal taxpayer dollars are used to fund abortion: Why are abortion businesses accused of greed? Abortion providers profit financially - and significantly so - from performing abortions. Their business model is purely a fina...
  12. Your statement is UNscientific. According to scientists and biologists, Hobby Lobby's stand on when life begins is scientifically correct. Life begins at fertilization and BEFORE implantation: When life begins: The consensus from the scientific comm...
  13. Yes, MEN need to be taken to court to take care of THEIR children. Regardless, taking the life of a child, born or unborn, is not justified. What if the mother would suffer emotionally, physically, financially, etc. by carrying the baby to term? Su...
  14. We should give women their due respect by acknowledging she had complete control of her body when she got pregnant and entered as a co-equal partner with a man in bringing a new life into this world. Likewise, men who don't want to share in the respo...