Published May 18, 2018
135 Posts
I am "drowning" in itchy bug bites and sunburn. It has finally turned "summer weather" here thankfully. But I swear to you guys I do nothing but deal with bug bites and sunburn. I have even gotten into my next years supply of hydrocortisone and I am unlikely to get to order more. I am done. Ive started just sending them back and saying sorry but mosquito bites itch thats why I wear bug spray. One teacher caught me in a bit of a perturbed state and said "I know I just keep sending them for itchy things, sorry". Without thinking I said "Yeah and everytime we get a bug bite doesnt mean we have to go see the nurse and get cream. Bug bites itch. These parents should put something on them to deter bugs when they go out." I apologized to her this morning but am I wrong that these kids need to learn that every ache and itch and ect. doesn't need a reaction sometimes. I mean one bug bite that is clearly not infected should not warrant a trip to the nurse. And the sunburns Ive seen this week! Its crazy. Do people not use sunscreen anymore? Is this a new "toxic" things parents are avoiding. Which ok whatever but you will have to avoid the sun and or cover up from head to toe because sunburns are bad for your kids too. Rant over its Friday!
12,646 Posts
Parents don't think their kids should ever experience one moment of discomfort.
Is there a way you can send a letter home, suggesting Calamine, hydrocortisone, antihistamines and sunscreen?
Also, tell the teachers that a normal bug bite is not reason to see the nurse, nor is sunburn.
ruby_jane, BSN, RN
3,142 Posts
I very rarely send out an all call teacher email...but I'd be tempted to for this.
I very rarely call a parent for sunburn management or hydrocortisone...but I'd be tempted.
How many days left for you???
I very rarely send out an all call teacher email...but I'd be tempted to for this.I very rarely call a parent for sunburn management or hydrocortisone...but I'd be tempted.How many days left for you???
Yes normally I would send something out but I only have 3 1/2 days left! So prolly will grind me teeth and just ride it out.
wearingmanyhats, RN
140 Posts
I cringed when I saw sunburn.... I am a stage 3 Melanoma survivor and my mission in life is to try to prevent anyone else (especially young people) from ever hearing those words. I see a lot of conversations about the "dangers" of sunscreen, but they have been tested and deemed safe, and trust me, sunscreen is better than the 5 hour surgery I endured, and the months of wondering if I would ever walk again. It's late this year, but if you want/need sun safety info for next year, check out The Melanoma Research Foundation. They have tons of really good info!
291 Posts
Wet a paper towel with cool water to treat the "itching." They don't like them, so if they know that's what they're going to get, it really deters them from wanting to come down.
218 Posts
I'm a redhead with a redheaded daughter, so we wear sunscreen year-round. Bathing suits are of the long-sleeved variety (unless it's after 4 pm). People often comment that I go overboard, but I'm not taking my chances. My daughter is so fair, and has yet to have a bad burn.
The bug bites? Ugh. I still dig my fingernails into the itchy part and make an "X'' shape, like I did as a kid. I showed my daughter how to do it, and it does actually work. Maybe the kids can do that?
I think the real issue is what Farawyn said- people just feel that they shouldn't even experience any discomfort, ever. It's maddening.
LikeTheDeadSea, MSN, RN
654 Posts
I have just under a whole month left still...I wouldn't have any teeth left!
Good idea on the wet paper towel!
scuba nurse, BSN, MSN, RN
645 Posts
DITTO this. I to am a stage 3 melanoma cancer survivor. I can't stress the importance of covering up in the sun!! Congrats to you!!
Congrats on being a survivor! And I too cringe because I have seen so many people my age(30+)have melanoma. These kids are gonna suffer later for what their parents should have prevented them from now. I can see if it is overcast and you are out you might not think about it. But our saturday and sunday here was 90 degrees and sunshine full out. They went swimming or played outside all day and everyone I asked said no they didnt have on sunscreen!
1,109 Posts
A lot of the bug bites that get sent my way are because the little one already scratched them open (i'm one of those too, so I can't yell at them:blink:) or the ones who develop the giant welts from just a single bite.
We send a nice weather notice about allergies, sun protection and hydration mid April in our district to remind parents of what we have available to help their little ones (not too much) and what they can do to help.
But I agree that with only a few days left, it's easier to just ride it out