What is ur average 2 week take home pay?

Nurses General Nursing


Small Survey

1.Type of nurse?

2. How many hours u work per week?

3. How many years of nursing?

4. What Shift: Day, Evening, nights, or weekend only?

5. City and State

6. Average 2 week gross pay


Whatever the reason is, don't give me that crap that someone didn't get a scholarship because they are not a minority. If she wants to be a minority, she can go to a prodominately black university where she is the minority. IMO, anyone that would make that statement would probably not even consider that option.

Well, in California I would definitely not considered a minority, whether I went to a predominantly black university or not. They ask specifically on the applications what your ethnicity is, not whether I was a white student going to a predominantly minority college. I wasn't eligible for a lot of scholarships because of it but, that's just the way it is. It doesn't bother me because there was other money available to me as a nursing student.

You asked where the minority money was, and I was just trying to answer your question. I wasn't trying to pick a fight or anything like that.


... More often, people think I've a big fat pain in the orifice.


Dear RNGreenhorn,

Whooooooooo! Whooooooooooo! Screeeeech! Freeze! Grammar Police Raid!

Do you know how fast you were typing M'am?

You seem to have misrepresented yourself as having a big, fat pain in the orifice (in contrast to being one).

Additional violations:

No comma between the adjectives 'big' and 'fat'.

Useage of the word 'orifice' is only permitted with possession of valid UK passport (US citizens and illegal aliens may only use the word 'ass').

We will let you off with a warning this time, but if this continues we will be forced to issue a citation and recommend that you consult a proctologist.

Clunk. Vroom. Screeeeech!

:lol2: :lol_hitti

p.s. I agree with what you say. Best wishes.

Specializes in LTC.

The variety of salary information is very useful because it gives us students a ballpark idea of what to expect. Thanks to all for your frank answers!

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.
I will begin paying my loans back in the FALL......there are lots of roadblocks to getting aid, especially if you are an responsible adult who is not a minority.
I am a so-called 'minority' who has never qualified for any type of financial aid. I know of numerous non-white students who have never gotten any type of financial aid. It is time to dissipate this myth once and for all.

note, we live in a double-wide trailer, so we are not "rich".
I am a single 25 year-old female who lives in a spacious, brand-new house that was built in 2004. I have no mortgage payments because I paid for my house with hard-earned cash. I have never had the help of any spouse, family members, or 'financial aid programs'; therefore, I have worked at a grueling pace for all that I own. I just wanted to rub this fact in your face while you enjoy your double-wide trailer.

:lol2: :chuckle

Specializes in Emergency Department, Urgent Care.

first of all, whoever it is that hates bad grammar and run on sentences etc...better not read this one...I'm in a hurry and just wanna say what I wanna say, don't have time for formalities:-) There are more important things in life than to worry about how bad the grammar in my postings are or the grammar in other peoples postings are for that matter.

It also cracks me up that people don't want to discuss their pay, but one reason is that employers tell you that you are not allowed to discuss your pay with others, it is against the confidentiality agreement you sign...hogwash. If hospitals would have the pay scales depending on experience then they wouldn't have to have any such agreements. In northern alabama make $21 something an hour before night shift diff etc, that is full time after in the ER after 4 years as an RN (I had previous experience as EMT, scrub tech, ER tech etc), In nashville in Labor and Delivery (I do both) I make as a PRN $30 an hour plus night shift and weekend shift...I would make probably about $3.00 less as a full time employee there. The hospital in Nashville has a "scale" based on experience etc (they also give credit for non RN experience, depending on what it is). If you are going into nursing JUST for the money, I say go all the way to CRNA or nurse practitioner...or do travel nursing (travel nursing is where your money is for just RN's and it is lots of fun, see the country and get paid for it)

I know I didn't finish your survey and i probably could have in the time it took me to write this email, sorry:-)...I will try later.

good luck


Specializes in Geriatrics, Cardiac, ICU.

I haven't read all the posts, but I read enough to be annoyed. Why is it that every time a post pops up about salary the fists start going up?

This is a nursing message board and we are supposed to be able to talk about all aspects of nursing and salary is one of them.

As a single mother and future nurse, you are darn right I want to know and am concerned about what kind of salary I'll be making. I mean just what is the beef anyway with this question? Just because you are a caregiver doesn't mean you could care less about money or that you don't need to eat, pay your electric bill, or clothe your children. I'd be nice if Wal-Mart took love and caring as payment and until they do, the OP as well myself will continue to inquire about our pay AS WELL AS BE GOOD NURSES! :uhoh3: :uhoh3:

Wow! I never knew so many nurses had secondary careers as comedians! So many of you are hysterically funny.

This was an extremely helpful thread for those of us considering nursing as a career. I'm a career changer with an established family, mortgage and all the fun costs associated with that. I'm looking to change from teaching to nursing, which here in WA state means a pay raise. ;)

I know some nurses and their jobs are definately hard. I think they are not fully compensated for the level of responsibilty that they own BUT I look forward to that kind of work if I get to work with people who have a good sense of humor like those I've seen on this board.

I am a so-called 'minority' who has never qualified for any type of financial aid. I know of numerous non-white students who have never gotten any type of financial aid. It is time to dissipate this myth once and for all.

It's not a myth. I don't know where you guys get the idea that there's no financial aid for minorities. There's lots of money to help minorities with nursing education. If they didn't get any money, maybe it's because they didn't apply.

Just a few examples from minoritynurse.com:


American Association of Critical Care Nurses

At least 20% of the awards will be allocated to qualified ethnic minority applicants.

American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Foundation

dela Cruz-Millman Filipino-American NP Student Scholarship

Open to Filipino or Filipino American students enrolled in an accredited MSN-NP or post-MS NP program.

Adolph Van Pelt Scholarships

Eligibility: at least 25% Native American heritage

Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium

Provides undergraduate and graduate scholarships for Alaska Native/American Indian students pursuing an education in the health care field.

American Indian Scholarship

Eligibility: American Indian

American Nurses Association Minority Fellowship Program

Provides fellowships to master’s-prepared minority RNs committed to pursuing advanced study focusing on the prevention and treatment of mental illness and substance abuse.

Association on American Indian Affairs

Emergency Aid and Health Professions Scholarships

For full-time undergraduate students; must be at least ¼-degree Indian blood and from a federally recognized tribe.

Chi Eta Phi Sorority

Aliene Carrington Ewell Scholarship

Available to African American students pursuing an undergraduate degree in nursing.

Mabel Keaton Staupers National Scholarship Award

Available to African American students currently enrolled in an accredited nursing program leading to a bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degree. Must be a current member of Chi Eta Phi and the ANA, have demonstrated leadership in the advancement of minority nurses and have contributed to the recruitment and retention of minorities in nursing.

Encouraging Minority Participation in Graduate Education

Department of Education, Washington, DC

Attn: Division of Higher Education Incentive Programs

Foundation of the National Student Nurses’ Association

AACN/Breakthrough to Nursing Scholarships

Available to nursing or pre-nursing students from underrepresented populations.

National Association of Hispanic Nurses, Houston Chapter

Annual Nursing Scholarships

Eligibility: Must be of Hispanic background


There's lots more on that list, and I found much more with a google search but, hopefully, you get the idea.


Specializes in OR, ER.

1.type of nurse?rn(emergency dept)

2. how many hours u work per week?37.5/wk

3. how many years of nursing?almost 10 yrs

4. what shift: day, evening, nights, or weekend only?days and nights

5. city and statetoronto, canada

6. average 2 week gross pay$2,595-gross...take home after taxes/benefits/union dues around $1,668...this is full time(75 hrs in 2 weeks).we have educational allowance.night shift premium($1.55/hr) and if you're in charge..additional 70 cents/hr(in my opinion,its not worth it!)

with ot..let's say 8-12 hrs more per pay period ..take home is around 2k.

maximum pay for nurses in ontario is $35/hr..agency nurses gets as much as $50/hr

planning to move to california by the end of the year.any suggestions on what to look for in a location?(salaries and cost of living)


It's not a myth. I don't know where you guys get the idea that there's no financial aid for minorities. There's lots of money to help minorities with nursing education. If they didn't get any money, maybe it's because they didn't apply.

The 'myth' we are talking about is that minority students gets tons of money thrown at them and free rides through nursing school and college JUST because they are minority. I am familiar with most of the scholarships you posted. You have to qualify for most of them and if you make to much, you often don't. 99.999% of minority students are just like everybody else; we take our turn at the financial aid 'prize' wheel:lol2: Being a minority certainly does not give you an extra turn in the game!

Middle class and most poor minority folks who happen to make a wee bit too much are just like everybody else.

Folks hear about the 'welfare queen' who has a bad attitude, never goes to class get free daycare, free books, free tuition, etc and then they paint us all with the same brush. That welfare queen comes in many colours. I've met my fair share of non-minority ones.

The vast majority of us work our way through school just like everybody else and we don't expect accolades for it. We're just doing what we have to do to get where we want to go. That's not a minority thing, that's a human thing.

OP , Im not a nurse but a surgical technologist. I normally work agency or as a traveller. I usually work 16-24 hours a week. I could work more but I really don't wanna! I'd rather spend my time on my other ventures. I've been a CST/CFA for almost 4 years. I mosly work days 6am-ish to 3pm-ish, M-F. If I have a hospital job I might take call and a few weekends, but I avoid those assignments these days. I love my free time! :D: My average agency or traveller 2 week check for 48 hours work is about $950. Yes I've lucked up on some plum gigs!

I've been offered $23/hour and my choice of internship by the HR manager at the local hospital starting pay when I graduate. This is in a town on Lake Michigan in IN right outside Chicago.

Sidebar- This thread cracks me up. And oh yeah, SHEESH! :p

Specializes in Psych, Informatics, Biostatistics.

interesting, being canadian and an argos fan i am always interested in what we are making in to. unfortunately i am into computers and think the opportunities are much better down here for what i want to do. please bear in mind when you all look at what i have typed here that one of the biggest benefits that we have is free tuition at a post secondary school level for ourselves and dependents. i have not run into that benefit in canada.

thanks, or2er

1.type of nurse? psychiatric

2. how many hours u work per week?36/wk 3 12 hour shifts i usually do an extra hour each shift. managers have not seemed to mind.

3. how many years of nursing?over 20

4. what shift: day, evening, nights, or weekend only? 7 p to 7 a nights

5. city and statephiladelphia, pa

6. average 2 week gross pay around $1250.00...take home after taxes/benefits/union dues/pension (max--401 $20,000.00 pa)/pre-tax medical ($1,500.00),

The average practical/vocational nursing education offered at community colleges lasts between 1.5 to 2 years. The average practical/vocational nursing education offered at private programs lasts between 1 year and 1.5 years. I do not know of any LPNs/LVNs who have attended school for any amount of time less than one year.

The LPN/LVN is not only a 'vocational certificate' or diploma program. It also involves a hard-earned license issued by the state's board of nursing. I would never marginalize your title directly or indirectly, so please don't marginalize the three initials behind my name.

:yelclap: :yeahthat:

Way to clarify! We had a little over a year, and it was pure hell. The good news is that I learned a lot more than some other schools teach their LPN's or RN's, and am much more comfortable in my job than those that attended other schools. Am I proud to be an LPN? H*LL YEAH!!!!!!!!

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