I am a new grad who just got off orientation. I never witnessed a code ever and in my nursing orientation my role in a code was never explained nor any policy given. That being said, a CNA came and motioned for me to follow her. I got to the room and she said she couldn't wake the patient. The patients nurse came in a few seconds later and we both tried to wake the patient and get a pulse. The patient was cool to the touch, somewhat stiff and had mottled skin. The patients nurse left to call a code. He is a very experienced nurse and left us there with no instruction. We believed the patient was dead and were not sure what to do. Within seconds more nurses arrived and nobody began CPR, the patients nurse didn't bring the crash cart with him after calling the code and so it wasn't there when the code team came. The patients nurse kept leaving the room so the doctor had a hard time getting information about the patient The whole thing was a disaster. I'm afraid I may be fired and lose my license . Is a nurse supposed to stay with his or her patient if they are unresponsive?