What are the top 10 diagnoses you manage?


Specializes in Med-surg (peds and adult).

Hi Med-Surg nurses! I am a strictly peds nurse who is starting her career over in adult med-surg. What are the top 10 diagnoses that you deal with on a daily basis on a med-surg floor? (The floor I am considering accepting a position on does not take any ortho surgeries, but everything else is fair game). What should I get familiar with? TIA!

AMS, CP, PNX, appy/chole, sbo, cellulitis, cdiff, necrotic body parts.... There are more, of course, just a few to get you started.

Specializes in Float Pool - Med-Surg, Tele, Psych.

These are the most common ones that come to mind for the med-surg floors at my community hospital: chest pain r/o ACS, CHF, COPD, pneumonia, postop abdominal surgery, altered mental status.

Specializes in Medical-Surgical/Float Pool/Stepdown.

Might I ask why you are working at the bedside as an NP?

Specializes in Med-Surg.

COPD, CHF, DM, UTI/pyelonephritis (presenting with AMS if elderly), SBO, pancreatitis, cellulitis, DVT/PE, GI bleeds, ESRD/dialysis... That's off the top of my head/most frequent medical admitting dx.

Surgical would be colectomy, bowel resection, colostomy/ileostomy placement, appendectomy, amputations, I&D of wounds/debridement, thyroid/parathyroid, lap chole (if complications), TURP, ect..

Specializes in Med-surg (peds and adult).
Might I ask why you are working at the bedside as an NP?

Sure! There are a few reasons--I am only certified as a pediatric primary care PNP and it is just too limiting. I didn't enjoy spending my days cooped up in an exam room. I also want the flexibility of not having to work 9-5 (or 8-7 as it turned out often). And, I want to learn adults. Critical care fascinates me. Some day, I may put the Master's degree to work and become an acute care NP of some sort. But I didn't find being an NP to be the be-all, end-all of nursing.

Specializes in Adult M/S.

Lately it's been SBO, AMS, chest pain R/O, pancreatitis, EtOH abuse, sepsis, PNA, UTI, N/V/D dehydration, cellulitis, hip fx.

Specializes in ICU.

A lot of the stuff already mentioned:




Chest pain


Specializes in Medical-Surgical/Float Pool/Stepdown.
Sure! There are a few reasons--I am only certified as a pediatric primary care PNP and it is just too limiting. I didn't enjoy spending my days cooped up in an exam room. I also want the flexibility of not having to work 9-5 (or 8-7 as it turned out often). And, I want to learn adults. Critical care fascinates me. Some day, I may put the Master's degree to work and become an acute care NP of some sort. But I didn't find being an NP to be the be-all, end-all of nursing.

This is why I want to try and wait out the masses going to NP school and get a masters in leadership done soon so if I want later on I can do a post-masters NP program. My area is way too saturated and people from varying schools are having ridiculously hard times finding good preceptors/clinical sites.

I have also witnessed some pretty savy ways that hospitals (mine anyways) are getting away with employing nurses without advanced practitioner degrees to do similar work of the NP's we used to employ that worked side by side with our hospitalists.

Specializes in Psychiatry, Forensics, Addictions.

Schizophrenia, Bipolar d/o, Asperger's, Psychosis, Pedophilia, Antisocial PD, Narcissism, Schizoaffective d/o, Borderline PD, ADHD

Specializes in Med-Surg, Precepting, Education.

CHF, COPD, CVA, Chest Pain, Pneumonia, SBO, Pancreatitis, Cholecystitis/lithiasis, & Comfort Care. I've worked the last four days. My brain cannot come up with a 10th example:)

COPD exacerbation, pneumonia, cellulitis, DKA,UTI, Cdiff, neutropenia (work on a med oncology floor), and some surprising cases of aseptic meningitis. And very soon lots of flu cases. I'm sure there is more but there are the most common ones

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