What do you all think of this?

Nurses General Nursing


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It does seem harsh. However, in other industries (insurance, telecommunications, etc.) that use a computerized customer data base the same type of rules apply. I worked in the insurance industry over 15 years ago; accessing an account that wasn't within my authorization scope was a big no-no.

Specializes in Med/Surg.
Originally posted by 3rdShiftGuy

Something probably happened. i.e. one patient sued them for a breech in confidentiality and now they are overreacting. Typical hospital management.

you are right. I never thought of that.

Specializes in OB.

I believe the hospital is within their legal rights to do this, as pt. confidentiality agreements are one of those things covered in orientation, etc. I know I've signed them at every contract I've been on. That said, I think this is a very poor way to handle it in terms of employee relations. Warnings and perhaps a mandatory confidentiality inservice for those involved would have been more appropriate. I agree there is something going on in the background and administration is covering their butts.

As charge nurse, I have sometimes looked up labs for staff nurses who where too busy (ie a Q6 H hemogram due at end of shift, or "were the MRSA swabs negative?" ).

However, we too now have a confidentiality reminder built in to our hopsital computer applications. It says something like,"This is not one of your assigned patients, are you sure you want to access this?"

I understand the rationale behind it. I can see where confidentiality can be breeched. We really shouldn't be looking up patients that we aren't directly involved in their care. But I too am guilty of looking up results for busy docs, nurses, etc.

I suppose I can't do that anymore...I guess we'll just have to say,"Per hospital policy, I can't look up results of patients I'm not directly responsible for."

It doesn't make our job any easier, and I think it's a bit of overkill, but I'm not going to get FIRED over it.

Although- I have to wonder what we are supposed to do when we get a registry RN or someone who doesn't have computer access. Are we NOT going to look up their patients' labs? There are times that the labs don't print up, or maybe the doc calls & want the result...I can't see getting around it sometimes.

Just another quick response. If a Doc asks you to look up labs for a patient you could redirect him to the unit clerk, if that is feasible. I don't know about all places but, all of the places that I worked at had lab print outs for the docs. We get a print out immediately if there are lab values that are at panick levels. Just some options.


I worked as a radiology assistant at a practise that contracted to provide radiological services for several of our local sports teams. The practise had a very nearly identical policy.

The impetus for this was when a sports reporter called one of the file room ladies and pretended to be the referring physician. He asked that she fax him a copy of the report--and she did. It hit the papers the next morning. After that, the password system was created--most charts could be accessed by anyone, but some charts were password-protected and those of us with passwords were held accountable for each and every accession. The physicians didn't have the passwords--they had to go through us (to avoid someone calling them and posing as a doctor). If anything leaked, it would have been easy to figure out who had accessed the chart and when.

At that job, if I had allowed someone to access something using my password, I would have been canned. I don't know if that's a good thing, but that's how it was.

As charge nurse, I have sometimes looked up labs for staff nurses who where too busy (ie a Q6 H hemogram due at end of shift, or "were the MRSA swabs negative?" ).

I would think as charge nurse you could access any patient on the unit for your shift? :eek:

Confidentiality is important, BUT, where will they get the nurses needed to replace any they fire? Have they thought about that? Maybe counseling is the first round to go???

Specializes in Home Health.

I understand the rationale for this, truly I do, but, the powers that be are regulating every last nurse right out the door! I am feeling more and more like we are under the eye of the KGB!

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