What to do after a stressful night at work?


Specializes in CCU, Geriatrics, Critical Care, Tele.


Stressful night at work? What do you do to relieve stress? Exercise, eat food, watch a movie, shopping? Please tell us your secret...

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Specializes in Emergency Department; Neonatal ICU.

Warn my husband ahead of time so that the kids are closer to being in bed and then after they go to bed, relax with him and a glass of wine.

Specializes in LTC, Agency, HHC.

Typically I work until MN, or overnight.....so....I go home and sleep! My shifts aren't usually very stressful, but I can fall asleep in 10 minutes!

Specializes in ICU / PCU / Telemetry / Oncology.

Browse nursing jobs in other hospitals ... :D

Specializes in ICU.

I work nights so I like to make my own mimosas in the morning. :) Works like a charm.

Specializes in LTC Rehab Med/Surg.

There's all kinds of stress.

Working with goofs.

Working with lazies.

Too many pts, not enough time.

Too many codes.

Too many deaths.

A pt went bad without anyone noticing.

Lots more avenues of stress, and each one requires a different remedy.

Most stress relieving just requires I go home and go to sleep.

Sometimes that's not enough, and I need to EAT A LOT before I go to sleep. (a very unhealthy option).

Or cry buckets, feel miserable, and wallow in self pity.

The worst case scenario is doing all the stress relieving options listed, all together, in no particular order.

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

I meet up with my friends...Ben & Jerry with the Captain at my house!

Specializes in Hospice.

Get on my computer and log into AN, with a big glass of wine or if it was a really, really bad night there is no glass needed. LOL

I find a workout at the gym, a shower and a small healthy meal do the trick.

After a noc of work, I read a few pages of a good book , closed the blinds, and turned the ringer off--- Then I was blissfully in snooze land for 4-6 hrs. Shortly b4, I was to go in I laid down for an hour or so and felt refreshed. I feel alcohol should not be a part of this, nor excessive eating. Some nurses I know liked to party hardy on their days off---I did too when I was younger----but I don't feel that should extend into middle age as it sometimes does.

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