What nursing specialty interests you the most for the future?

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I am just going to be starting nursing school in the fall, but as of right now from doing research, watching shows and hearing from people with the experience, I'm leaning toward perioperative (OR) nursing. How about you?

Specializes in Neuro/ ENT.

I thought I would want to be in the ED... but now I am seriously interested in ICU (at first it was solely bc I want to get my CRNA, but now that I have done more research, I think it may be highly possible that I just stay in ICU once I am lucky enough to get hired on one day). I know for sure I do not want to work OB or Peds.

In my experience, I find trying to pin down where you want to go, specialty-wise is detrimental to the experience of most students. We all think we know, and it turns you off from DEEPLY exploring other options throughout you're clinical experience. I have found very few of my preconceived notions out of a countless number have actually held true through nursing school. Very few nurses are hired directly into their desired type of nursing and stay there for the duration of their career. It just doesn't happen! The beauty of nursing is you can live out a number of nursing "careers" before you retire. I would just sit back through school and quiet your desire to find a steadfast path and REALLY experience all the wonderful clinincal and out rotations you'll have! You'll have a internal idea of what direction you're going after you finish with no help from your head, it will be all heart.

Specializes in Labor and Delivery.

Labor and delivery was my main "dream" when I first became interested in nursing. I think I'd also enjoy postpartum, OR, peds, maybe even ER....I don't quite know all the details or differences between all the different specialties to say much else. I'm definitely looking forward to many different experiences with clinicals in school and hoping to figure out what really "speaks" to me!

I am also incredibly interested in being on staff with a plastic surgeon, dermatologist, or medi-spa...something along those lines. But I really would like to explore hospital options first.

So perfectly said. Started in tele, hated it. Went to ICU, loved it. Off to the ER, loved it. Research, loved it. Regulatory, loved it. Education, loved it (and use to LOATHE precepting). I recently left a corporate environment to go back to patient care and was approached only a few months in for a leadership position. When I went back to clinical I had a strong will to go do my 12's and clock out, but I took that leadership position and learning a ton and loving it! I had "gut" instincts in school like knowing I would hate L&D and loving ICU and ER- which both were true, but if I didn't let the wind take me where it did, I would have missed out on so much. The best advice I can give is have an open mind, force change and challenge on yourself and get your hands in as many pots as you can- there is nothing worse than being stuck in one single field without the room to grow when you are finally ready to make a jump. I wanted to be a CRNA when I was in school- haven't thought about that in over 10 years now!

Me too the same thing happen to me and until now I am still don't know what field of nursing to go.

I thinking of ER/Trauma. I hate routine and I kind of love chaos. I've also though about NICU, but we shall see..

Same as above. I love the idea of not knowing what's coming through the door, or what my day will consist of, which is why ER/ICU interests me. I also love being around and taking care of babies, which is why I'm also interested in NICU.

Specializes in Emergency, LTC.

During nursing school pre-reqs, I volunteered at the hospital I wanted to work at in Mother/Baby because I was sure I wanted to be an L&D nurse. Ended up hating how slow paced the floor was.

During first semester, I realized The ER seemed more my thing- I'll see so many conditions (and become a well rounded nurse), every day will be a challenge/"never know what you'll get" kinda day and the adrenaline rush pulls me toward that specialty. Like a previous poster said, I also like the "treat 'em and street 'em" mentality. I'm going into second semester later this month and got a new job in the ED.

I'm excited to witness/experience/learn a lot.

Things and feelings can definitely change during your nursing school journey and it's important to keep an open mind. You've gotta go through all those different clinical rotations for a reason so if you're not looking forward to one (lots of girls in my class are excited about maternity/pediatrics and are dreading psych, while I'm the opposite), just grin and bear it cuz you have to get through them!

Definitely informatics nursing that deals with research and development. How to structure nurse friendly technology/apps/emr's, etc. But there's so little information on this field... any suggestions?

Specializes in Med Surg/Ortho.
Definitely informatics nursing that deals with research and development. How to structure nurse friendly technology/apps/emr's, etc. But there's so little information on this field... any suggestions?

I do not work in this field, so I don't have personal experience. But I have a friend in NY that works in nurse informatics. He work 2 years in ICU before finding this job. He is a career changer, and has a BS in computer science before he went to nursing school. That really seemed to make a difference. If you don't, and don't want a whole other degree, maybe looking into certificates at your local university or community college.

Pediatrics all the way for me!!!! Loved everything about this rotation. I was a little upset when I received med-surg for preceptorship but I'm brushing up on my basic skills and hoping that the Land of Peds is still available to me after graduation. Peds is a very difficult speciality to get into but if it's for me I'll get my foot in the door some how.

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