Published Dec 22, 2012
2,836 Posts
I was told that I was hired to work on one specific unit only. I then discovered one day that I was actually the "float nurse." No one bothered to tell me that I was now the "float nurse." I was told that I was going to make a certain amount of money per hour. When I got my paycheck it was $2 an hour less then what I was told. I had to "fight" to finally get the wages I was promised. So what about you? What kind of lies were you told?
CapeCodMermaid, RN
6,092 Posts
I always tell people I am hiring them to work for the facility...not a specific floor. I do my best to keep them on one unit because it's better for the residents, but sometimes you have to float. As for the salary, we put it in writing on the payroll change form and give a copy to the new employee. That way there are no questions.
I wasn't always a manager. When I was a floor nurse, I never was promised anything that I didn't get. Maybe I've been lucky or maybe things are different here.
lovingtheunloved, ASN, RN
940 Posts
They told me they actually cared about the residents. Turns out that was a big fat lie.
CoffeeRTC, BSN, RN
3,734 Posts
I dunno, maybe I'm numb to alot of things since I'm only part time and have been in LTC for ever, but I don't think I was ever lied to either.
I work at the "Anything Goes" LTC facility. Sometimes a nurse or CNA will arrive to work and find out that they are not on "the unit they wanted". Instead of just accepting their new assignment, they get upset, clock out and go home. I don't act like a "2 year old" when I am asked to go to other units. I just go where I am needed. I think that is why they made me the "float nurse."
Wow!!!! I remember hearing that very same "big fat lie" many years ago at a previous LTC facility.
7,736 Posts
Can't speak for your wages discrepancy. But I've had issues at interviews that I then subsequently declined the positions. Red flags went up that I didn't like.
But as for the particular floor ---- you work for the facility, NOT any one floor. We all float at some time. It's the nature of the industry to cover where needed.
Unless you had something in writing...
Yes I think everyone needs to go where they are needed. I just wish I would have been told ahead of time "You are no longer assigned to station A as told to you upon your hire here." You are now the "Float nurse". Just a simple courtesy like that would have been nice.
Nascar nurse, ASN, RN
2,218 Posts
I can't help but wonder how it would go if I started a thread titles "What lies were you told when interviewing nurses to work LTC"?
I'm sure I'd get flamed but what stories I could tell.
Nascar nurse. Yes, please do start that thread "What lies were you told when interviewing nurses to work LTC?". It sounds like it would be a very interesting thread. I would really like to hear about your experiences.
Nascar, I'm sure you'd have some impressive stories to tell. Those are the same stories line staff hear when those new folk start.
113 Posts
I was told everyone was like a family, which is true- the new hires are treated like step children from a marriage the kids hate. The older nurses hang out do stuff together, new nurses are ignored.