What is the least amount you would work for as a RN?

Nurses General Nursing


I was offered a position in an adult day care and what is the wage? $12.00 an hour. I find this insulting. Any one else find this insulting or am I being silly? Thanks :)

Specializes in geriatrics.

Way too low. The avg pay ranges 27 to 31 an hour, even for new grads here. My friend is a PSW and she makes 21 an hour.

A new graduate should be paid a minimun of $23.00 an hour. I made more than 12 dollars when I started Nursing 20 years ago.

Nurses pay for an education, maybe they quoted the starting pay for a tech, 12 Dollars is more in line for a tech than a nurse

Sounds like youd need to up your liabilty insurance as well. Some red flags here! The other nurse that stepped down is a huge red flag. Run for the hills.

Specializes in LTC, nurse instructor.
My mother and aunt make more than that per hour working at a shoe factory. They don't ever have any complaints about their jobs. They are both in their 60's and tell me they plan to work for as long as they can because they love their jobs so much -- how many nurses want to be working on a hospital floor in their 60's? $12.00 per hour -- wonder what the interviewer is making . . .

yes I was wondering the same thing. I bet she doesn't work for $12 an hour. She tried to justify the wages by saying they are state funded. I know for a fact that she isn't getting that low of a salary. How she can even offer a nurse with my experience that low of a wage is silly. Most facilities pay extra for the years of experience that a nurse has. I have 13 years of experience. If I had known from the beginning that the wage was so low I wouldn't have even applied.

Specializes in LTC, nurse instructor.
A new graduate should be paid a minimun of $23.00 an hour. I made more than 12 dollars when I started Nursing 20 years ago.

Nurses pay for an education, maybe they quoted the starting pay for a tech, 12 Dollars is more in line for a tech than a nurse

when I started out as a RN back in 1996, $12 was the beginning rate. Most of the nursing assistants that I have trained in the past are starting out between $9.00 to $10.00 an hour and given 6 weeks of training.

Specializes in Home Health Care.
Are you kidding? You'd need something like $10.00/hour in benefits to make up the difference. I suppose if they provided a hooker during lunch ... then I would consider. :)

Seriously, anything less than $22/hour + benefits is an insult. An even then, $22/hour is still on the low side, considering all the education (4 years), and responsibility we nurses have to endure.

Just my two cents.

I know Iowa and Florida especially rural areas have the lowest pay for nurses. Unfortunatley $17 an hour to start is not uncommon in this area. For a retired nurse or a stay at home mom wanting to return to nursing for a few hours a day might take a job for $12 that had wonderful benefits such as 2 weeks PTO, Insurance-Health , Eye & Dental, being within a mile from home, no call, no week-ends, no holidays and no nights, No lifting of patients and minimal contact with bodily fluids . Jobs in Nursing such as :Home Health Case Managers, Quality Control of records Nurse, Care Plan coordinators, Supervision/teaching Nurse of HHA's to name a few).

I know two retired 65-70 year old nurses being forced back into work. For them a $12 an hour job would be better than not having a job at all.

Specializes in Acute Spine, Neuro, Thoracic's, LTC.

I'm an LPN and I wouldn't work anywhere for less than $20/hr, and even that is very much on the low side.

That is an insult and you should let them know that!

Specializes in LTC.

Wow, I'm glad I'm going into nursing. Especially when accepting a job for anything less than $20/hr is considered an insult. I came out of school back in 2005 making $10/hr. This is with a degree in engineering technology. Still, I moved quickly up the ladder and hit over $30k within a couple years. It never ceases to amaze me when nurses begin complaining about their low-paying jobs. Have you ever considered working as a social worker? I believe a social worker would have lots of room to complain.

Specializes in Management, Emergency, Psych, Med Surg.

What I am working for now, which is $48.00/ hr. I think THIS IS too low.

Specializes in ICU.

That is a HUGE insult. I am sure you are qualified for work at a much higher rate of pay. By qualified, you are an RN!

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