What do you do if your friend is "THAT patient?"


So, long story short, I recently got back in touch with an old highschool friend whom I had lost touch with over the past 10 years or so over facebook.

She is one of these chronically ill with a number of things, none of which QUITE make sense to me, always in the ED person... She ended up really having something wrong once and unfortunately had a complication that left her debilitated (a very reasonable, very expected complication - to point out - pre-op she moved into a handicapped accessible home in anticipation of this complication). This is unfortunate, no doubt.

But what kills me is, even before this injury and certainly thereafter - all of her postings are disparaging comments about how "stupid" all doctors and nurses are and other comments like that, and how she is "abused" - for what amounted to looking for a muscle twitch or movement in a flaccid post-op extremity by nail bed pressure and various pinching up extremities, pain from an infiltrated IV, and now she is trying to sue the doctors and nurses for patient abuse and just keeps a constant rail on the hospital staff via text message, facebook, blogs, etc... every time she is admitted, in the ED, or thinking about her health issues, and to be honest - her complaints are things that are just, albeit uncomfortable, or inconvenient (take a second pregnancy test, even though you did one a day ago, for example), that are routine, common and part of the deal when you come to the hospital. Video taping the room, snapping secret pictures of nurses ID's who come into the room - even the janitor!

She is the epitome of the patient that no one wants to go NEAR, who people avoid the room, who comes back and tries to sue the staff.... Eeek! What in the world do you do?? It is extremely hard to ignore this behavior, because it is relentless, but also as a nurse - its exceptionally irritating and more than mildly offensive to hear people rail on nurses who are CLEARLY just doing their job. I have told her I am offended by this, I have tried to explain rationale, explained and explained and explained - but all she says is "Well, on Web MD...." and "Well, i don't know how YOU are as a nurse, so I can't say to you specifically....but THESE ones..."

*bangs head* /vent

Specializes in Family Medicine.

Block her status updates or defriend her ASAP.

Specializes in Ambulatory Care, Case Manager.

Limit your conversation with her and ignore her comments in Facebook or like others have stated "defriend" her. I have a Facebook account because my friend insisted I get one so that I and others can keep up to date with what's been going on with her family life. I sincerely regret getting an account. Like Betty White stated "It's a waste of time". There are people who I "defriended, because their comments weren't that interesting. I deleted some of my "friends", which I don't mind, because most of them were acquaintances anyway. If I really care about what's going on in your life I will email you or we'll have coffee together.

She sounds as if she is bitter about her outlook on life. If she asks you why you don't respond to her comments or why you ignore her, tell her that you are extremely busy. If she calls you, make it short. She will probably get the point. I have a friend who complains and she doesn't do anything about the situation even after giving her advice. What I do, is that I limit my conversation with her or try to change the subject. You have too much stress in your life as a nurse, the least you want is your positive energy be sucked out of you. As far as for me, if I'm "off duty" I don't want to hear anything negative related to my job except with other nurses who can understand.

Specializes in ER.

Whatever you do, DO NOT take care of her if she ever winds up on your unit!

Well, you could share a link with her to the satire website "The Oatmeal," which has a hilarious comic on "How to suck at Facebook."

Kidding (mostly)! I agree with others: defriend. This type of person just drains energy & emotion.

Thanks a lot.... I logged on to All Nurses "for a minute" about 3 hours ago.... I went to The Oatmeal site per your comment and I just realized what time it was... doh!! :monkeydance: FUNNY!

When I was first reading your post I was asking myself, "I wonder if you've made it clear that what she is doing is ridiculous?"

I guess the way (if you're interested in furthering the relationship) is to NOT talk online, but on the phone and just give her a, "Here's the deal. This is really bothering me, and I want you to hear me out." The first thing I would do is make sure she knows that what she's doing by video taping / snapping photos is in some places absolutely illegal, but also exceptionally rude. Everybody has the expectation of privacy when they're in the hospital, and *I* have the expectation of not having people come find me at my house after taking care of their loved ones. Posing the question, "If you were at work, would you find it appropriate for people to snap photos of YOUR name badge?"

The ultimate finale to your conversation is this: If she refuses to listen to reason, refuses to change her way, and YOU find it unacceptable and not good for your mental health (I wouldn't think it would be), then I would definitely tell her, "I'm sorry, I understand you have health problems, but from what I can see you're trying to blame somebody else for your issues. You need to realize these are people that are trying to help you, and the only reason you're getting the impression that they're being jerks is solely because you're being an a**hole to them first. Very few people are in the nursing or medical profession for reasons other than wanting to help others get better and further their lives. Until you can realize and accept this, and stop being such a horrible person every time you're admitted to the hospital, for my mental health I'm not able to be friends with you. You are the exact reason why some days healthcare professionals have a horrible day at work. If it wasn't for people like you and you're disparaging attitudes towards others and having the mental image that we're there to attempt to hurt you on a daily basis while admitted, then our jobs would be so much more enjoyable. Please revisit your attitude, check it at the door when you get admitted, and maybe realize that being a bit more humble and less of a bi**h is a nice quality to have. Until that time, though, I don't really think I have anything in common with you anymore. I'm sorry that God gave you an illness that you are disabled from, however had you not had treatment from this disease, you would probably be dead right now. If you are thinking this is a proper and amazing alternative to the way you live your life right now, then make yourself a DNR-CC or DNR-CCA and leave it at that, and leave it in God's hands."

Alternatively you can ask her to see a psychologist, however I highly doubt she will.

I'd never EVER be able to tolerate that. And when I'm confronted by MY friends that DO have disparaging comments about healthcare, I fully listen to their complaints, and then give them both sides to what COULD have been happening. If they refuse to listen to it, I change the subject and move on.

Finally, you don't need toxicity in your life. Cut that complaining jerk out of yours. You have to deal with enough of that s**t at work yourself.

Specializes in Med-Surg Nursing.

I'd unfriend her in a millisecond!

Specializes in Med-Surg, Psych, Tele, ICU.

Sorry to hear that...I firmly believe in some patients having their "WebMD privilages" revoked.

Specializes in Med Office, Home Health, School Nurse.

Okay, so I will be the millionth one to echo this sentiment---defriend her immediately. If she hasn't been in your life for the past 10 years, she can't be a close friend....if she was a close friend OR valued your friendship at all at this point, she would have stopped this negative behavior and not dragged you into her misery and bitterness. Just remove her completely and if she contacts you wanting to know why---be honest with her! Tell her that you can't remain friends with someone who obviously doesn't respect your feelings and thoughts and that if she was truly your friend she would have taken you seriously when you asked her to stop.

Specializes in psych, addictions, hospice, education.

I keep thinking about this and have to add one more thing. Since she says all medical personnel are awful (loose paraphrase here) doesn't that mean she disrespects YOU? For you to read her words over and over and let them slide gives her the impression you, at least partly, accept what she's saying. If you aren't part of the solution, you become part of the problem, dontcha think?

Confront her...if she changes then you can keep on keeping on with her in your life. If she doesn't, then she is not a friend. She is manipulating you--at least she's manipulating your thoughts and feelings!

Oh, no - sorry - she is well out of state. I don't have her at my facility, I'm just talking about the extremely uncomfortable personal interactions.

Since she is well out of state, I would guess that your communication is by email or text. Just don't answer, refuse to be sucked up into her drama, and she will probably drop you like a hot potato, since every actor needs an audience.

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