What da heck is a Nurse Career Battery test?


Believe it or not, a local hospital posted a new grad RN program on Monday, march 1. (as of this writing, it looks like they took the position down and r no longer accepting apps - am sure they were flooded!!). believe it or not again, but i am an recent ADN grad and just licensed in January, 2011; I applied yesterday for the new grad deal and i was actually sent an email to take a test which might lead to an interview! (full disclosure: they might have liked that i do have a bachelor degree in an unrelated field from 10 years ago, and i mentioned that i am accepted to begin an online BSN program in the Summer which i hope to use to pursue a Masters in nurse practitioning, etc)

Anyway, the test that i have to sit for is called a Nurse Career Battery test. What is it? Can I prepare for it? I believe 'battery' type tests are those long 300-question psychological fill-in bubble test where they ask if you hated your mother 10 different times in 10 different ways, correct?

Have any of u taken such a test? Holla back y'all...

Nurse Career Battery Test.

Yes i have heard of these. They want to make sure your charged up for the crap that's going to come down the pipe in your nursing career. See most nurses run off of The Energizer. Now consider this. When hospital's need to test their nurse's and their batteries they reach for the one battery they can count on most Duracell it's what hospitals and emergency personal trust the most....

Really its a tool HR uses or Schools to weed out weak nurses. So basically you can be a great nurse do well in school and this test can tell them your not worth the paper your college diploma is written on.

Good Luck i have never taken the test i don't know whats on it. I have friends who have and they didn't get the job they were trying for because of that test. I wish you well let us know how it turns out I'm interested to find out.

Specializes in Medical Surgical.

I wish someone would offer me this test. Then maybe I could get a job.

Specializes in Critical Care, Education.

LOL - I love the Energizer visual!

This type of 'test' is normally used to measure the intangibles that can't be determined as easily as other types of attributes. The implementation of HCAHPS ( https://www.cms.gov/HospitalQualityInits/30_HospitalHCAHPS.asp) means that clinical reimbursement from CMS will be significantly impacted by patient satisfaction scores. Patient satisfaction drivers have already been clearly identified - and most of them are related to nursing skills & attitude. So most larger health care organizations are really digging in to make sure they hire nurses with the right stuff.

If you're really savvy about psych assessments, you could probably fake the answers to ensure a good outcome, but the best approach is just to adopt the right mind set when you're taking it. Many questions are situational, so focus on providing the answer that you know is the right thing to do to; from not only a clinical perspective, but also the patient's perspective. Important characteristics they are looking for include communication skills, adaptability, creativity, conflict management, cultural sensitivity, ability to prioritize (time management) and integrity. Believe it or not, all of these can all be measured with this type of assessment.

I know that none of us like to be the subject of value judgements like this, but there is an up-side to all this. Any organization that is laying out the big bucks for this type of assessment is probably also working on the factors that improve staff satisfaction... after all, what's the use of hiring great nurses if you can't keep them?

Good luck - let us know how it went, and what you thought of the test.

I took the NCB Test twice. The first one was for a big hospital, after that I saw my application as "no longer being considered". I took the same test for a clinic so I could be interviewed as what an HR recruiter told me. After the 2nd test, never heard a word from that recruiter who called me. I felt dumb with the questions to think that I have years of management experience and dealing with different people :((

I recently applied to a hospital in San Francisco that uses this test. I was called for an interview, only to find out a week later that I did not pass. They did not even tell me whether I passed or not before I came for the interview. I do not like these kind of tests. It is a weeding out tool, but I also think it can weed out some of the best nurses. I hope this does not become the standard with all hospitals, or there will be a real nursing shortage for sure!

How to find the "best" nurse candidates.


Who comes up with this stuff?

But wait there's more!


Better hires - better outcomes? Says who?

I recently applied to a hospital in San Francisco that uses this test. I was called for an interview, only to find out a week later that I did not pass. They did not even tell me whether I passed or not before I came for the interview. I do not like these kind of tests. It is a weeding out tool, but I also think it can weed out some of the best nurses. I hope this does not become the standard with all hospitals, or there will be a real nursing shortage for sure!

Sadly it does seem to be going national. A quick peek on Google using NCBT and you'll find hospitals from Texas to New York stating clearly in job adverts one must pass the exam in order to make the cut.

First it was med dose calculations and pharmacology exams as part of the new hire process. Now something new is being added. Pretty soon hospitals will be asking for SAT scores as well.

Specializes in none.

just took this test and didn't pass :madface: they said I didn't get high enough score to be consider for further evaluation... I cant believe they base their decision on this crazy test :no:

Specializes in Emergency.

(Line of invective deleted)

This is basically snake oil, and the organizations which believe it is going to get them better nurses as opposed to better test-takers/liars are dumber than a bunch of old west farmers at the back of a covered wagon.

Let's just take it one step further and I will set up a shrine in my back yard with a tent made of huck towels and a bunson burner and huff laughing gas 6 hours a day and nurse managers and HR directors can make pilgrimages to me The Nursing Oracle, and I'll tell them who to hire based on the direction of syringes thrown on the floor. I'll probably be more accurate, and I'll do it for free, unlike DDI.

Or, for the truly budget conscious, I imagine a magic eight ball would do in a pinch.

This "NCB" test is so stupid. I took it for an awesome new grad residency position and passed. However, I also took the same exact test for another hospital position and failed, which eliminated my chances of applying to over 10 hospitals in the city for 6 months. Yes, if you fail you aren't allowed to apply for any positions within that hospital system for SIX months! They don't tell you this before you test too.

Supposedly it "weeds out" weak nurses but I think it's not accurate. An awesome nurse can fail this stupid personality test while an idiot nurse can pass. It's a hit or miss. They ask questions on a scale of agree vs disagree or 1 to 5 and you answer based on your opinions. There are no right or wrong answers. It's scored on some point system established from the hospital and determines if you would be a fit for their hospital.

Needless to say, I got the job from the residency program, with a great starting salary as a new grad RN working in the IMC unit and cannot be happier.

The NCB test is useless and can be detrimental for great nurses who happen to fail it. I wish they would just go with selecting a candidate based on resumes/cover letters and face to face interviews to accurately gauge a candidates' personality and see for themselves as nursing managers if that person is a fit for their hospital. HR should not be a barrier to selection!

Hi Guys!!

I actually tried applying in NYU, focusing on the new grad. program, unfortunately I was a BSN graduate back in 2014, but just took NCLEX this july.

I have seldom respond from the hospital, but most of it are just not being qualified, for the reason that I actually didnt have any nursing experience.

How did u guys applied and was selected? I only tried the website, di u do the same and my qpi isnt that qualifying too ( maybe thats why)

but im happy for everyone. congrats

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