Published Apr 8, 2014
ThePrincessBride, MSN, RN, NP
1 Article; 2,594 Posts
For those of you who aren't graduating, what classes are you taking next term? And what does your schedule look like?
I am taking Psych and Community which amount to eight credit hours total. First half of the term is Psych (Friday lecture 900-1230). Second half is community with a Monday lecture 900-1230. Not sure about about clinical times yet!
366 Posts
This summer I am taking Ob and Peds, both with clinicals that will be 12 hours a week for each class. One class is 6 hours and the other is 4. This is considered a full time load of 9 credit hours.
In the fall, I am taking Community with clinical (10 hours/week), Leadership, and Practicum with clinical (300+ hours total). This is the "lightest" semester of my program with "only" 16 credits.
Come on December!
435 Posts
I have leadership, senior specialty, elective (acls) something else and senior specialty. Then graduate! December 13th baby!!!
460 Posts
I have:
- Med/Surg II
- OB (last 7 weeks)
- Mental Health (first 7 weeks)
- Trends and Theory
163 Posts
Just Adult Health 3 and then graduation!! Should hopefully be taking boards by end of August :)
SopranoKris, MSN, RN, NP
3,152 Posts
Summer, I'm taking History 212 (required for BSN) and Organic Chemistry (required pre-req for PA/NP school).
Fall, will do Peds & Mental Health rotations.
851 Posts
I'm off for the summer (only part time students can take summer courses and I'm full time) so in the fall I'm taking medsurg 2 (lecture, lab and clinical) for the first 10 weeks, leadership lecture for the whole semester and preceptorship for the last 5 weeks of the semester then I'm done!! I can't wait :)
364 Posts
Only statistics here! For my BSN bridge program. Our actual program is off during the summer:)
264 Posts
I'm taking Med Surg 2 (critical care) and clinical. Psych nursing and clinical and Pallative care. I'm going into 3rd semester. It seems like just yesterday I was tearing into the acceptance packet!
I feel the same way!! On 10/31/12 I accepted my spot in my program and I am currently 9 months away from pinning! It's a wonderful feeling :)
102 Posts
Med-Surg, Psych, and pathophysiology. Our lectures are Monday and Wednesday and then we have clinicals on Tuesday and Thursday.
I'm pretty excited! Our clinicals are pretty cool. For med-surg we are at a teaching hospital that services the poorer population, so we will have a lot to do. For Psych we will primarily be at a children's psych ward. We also have a rotation at a prison in which we get to work with inmates that are mentally unfit for trial. Too exciting!
pmabraham, BSN, RN
1 Article; 2,568 Posts
Good day:
The RN program I'm entering starts mid August. In the summer, I'll be taking Effective Speaking, Healthcare Law and Ethics, and Statistics for a total of 10 credits. I'm also trying to get into a clinical dosage calculations class this summer; but, I will not know if I can get in until sometime in May.
Thank you.